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sorry im not as active anymore, but dw i will be when i get suspended from school

EDIT: i think i jinxed myself with the school suspension because i am actually suspended tomorrow wtaf

if u dont remember what happened go back to the 200 reads special chapter 

As Sun--Omori is walking up the stairs, he gets a familiar feeling. These stairs, the length, the drop from the top (AYY it rhymed!)  it was all giving him a rush of nostalgia. Not good nostalgia, but still. The more steps he took the further his heart sunk to his stomach. It was the most heart-wrenching experience ever. This feeling was quite like receiving news about a deceased love one and you start hearing a ringing in your ears. You start to deny and deny, hoping its just a bad dream and you'll wake up. 

But you never wake up. 

You get to the top and very impatiently wait for Omori and the rest. They are taking their time which bothers you a lot but whatever. Not like you have anything else to do, because this world revolves around Omori. You have no free will without Omori. Some would say he's even like a saviour, but to you he seems like the opposite. He dooms you with the same cycle day-to-day, and no one else has realised but probably him. 

Infront of you pops out a weird alien looking guy with blue spiky hair. He looks like a crack addict........

im so sorry for the shortest chapter ever i dont have motivation or ideas or the will to write 


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