the sun and the moon

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Inspo: stories/legends I've seen of the sun and moon 


The moon stared down at the sun, as the sun was on one knee with a small box. The sun opened the box and asked one very important question; 

"Will you marry me, moon?" The moon stared in disbelief. If she accepted the sun's ring she knew the sun would explode from joy and the Earth would be in shambles, but on the other hand if she denied the ring then the sun would fall into a dead state and the Earth would be dark for all of eternity. 

"Give me more time, sun. I cannot make such a big decision in one day" The moon spoke. The sun could see where the moon was coming from, and slid the box into his pocket for another day. The sun waited for the perfect moment to ask the moon again. Her answer was the same; 'give me more time'. 

This went on for what felt like centuries, the sun kept asking but the moon would ask for more time. And so, the sun got sick of waiting and gave the rings for Saturn to mind. To this day, the rings that Saturn has are the symbol of sun's love for moon that he never got to show. Maybe the sun has felt a bit of sadness since then, but the Earth continues to be intact and the moon still loves sun just as much as she did all those years ago. 

AN im sorry I make these so short I honestly just dont have ideas for longer chapters rn :(

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