nothing to remember you by

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some aubrey angst cuz im sick again (aubrey drives a motorbike in this because they look cool and hers is neon pink with crystals) 

lets say mari was in critical condition in the hospital and some nurse rung aubrey at 4am to come and see mari 

I stirred awake and heard Aubrey talking to someone on the phone, whispering to probably not wake me up. Being half conscious, I had no idea what was going on. My eyes weren't even open but I could hear the happiness in Aubreys voice. Slowly I opened my eyes and took a good look at Aubrey who was in her motorbike kit holding her helmet on her hip. 

"Yeah, I'll be right there" 

Aubrey ended the call and tiptoed out the room, making sure to lightly close the door. Once she was out of the room her loud footsteps echoed down the stairs and out the door. Not long after you could hear the rushed revving of an engine that took of at the speed of light. Knowing Aubrey she was probably going to the hospital to see Mari, but at 4 in the morning? Whatever, you'll ask her in the morning. 

The loud sound of bashing against your door wakes you up immediately. Overthinking, you jump out of bed and dash for the door. Looking through the small window beside your door you see a guard (where i live its guard/guards not officers or wtv) holding a neon pink helmet with harsh scratches on one side. You open the door, preparing for the worst. Even if you had a million years to prepare, what the guard said next deeply disturbed you. 

"Hey, is this where Aubrey XXXXXX lives?" A drop of sweat makes it way down his forehead slowly. 

"Yes, but if you need something she's not here right now" Oh no. 

"I didn't exactly need anything from Mrs XXXXXX, I just wanted to pass on some deeply disturbing news" The guards' face turns white as a ghost and he looks like he's going to be sick. 

Please don't tell me it is what I think it is. It can't be. Nothing would have happened. She knew how to protect herself. Maybe I'm just overthinking. Stay calm. 

"Yes, go on..." You drag the "n" in "on" to convince yourself nothing is wrong, hoping to stretch out the moment before your happiness would be shattered. 

"Well, this morning at 4:30 there was an accident on the motorway between here and the hospital. There was an oil spill, leaving very slippery roads..." 

You connect the dots. Oh. 

He doesn't bother looking at your face but is now looking at the floor, probably not wanting to see your face.

"Mrs XXXXXX was on a motorbike, and the oil spill had caused her tire to malfunction.... ultimately causing her motorbike to slip into a ..ditch... near the motorway...." 

You stopped breathing from shock. The rhythm of your beating heart was playing loudly in a loop in your ears as your vision started to fade to black, arms and legs going numb. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't understand how miserable you must feel losing someone so close to you, just like that..."

Instead of saying anything back, your feet have grown roots and dug deep into the ground keeping you in place. Thinking of every possible thing you could have done to prevent this, the guard takes both of your hands and places Aubrey's beaten up helmet into your hands. He slowly backs away into his car while you stand there still trying to process what just happened. Everything was going by too fast, Aubreys gone, the oil spill, Mari in the hospital, the guard, the helmet. Too much to focus on at once, super overwhelmed. Gathering the courage to focus your eyes on the helmet, you see some of the pink paint scratched off and the pro shield was battered beyond repair. The chin strap and mouth vent were violently torn off. Just looking at this helmet made you realise how serious the fall must have been. 

After several hours of not knowing what to do, you finally get in bed and lay down onto the side that Aubrey used to sleep on. Curling up into a ball with the helmet against your chest, you cried and weeped imagining how scared she must have been. What were her last words? 

Another thing you wept about was thinking how passionate Aubrey was about her motorbike; the amount of accessories she bought for it cost a fortune but as long as she was happy. Pretty ironic, her favourite thing in the entire world was the thing that would kill her. 

(ok so this was made cuz my dad got into a motorbike crash today and i got some inspo, yk ur becoming a good author when tragic things start happening to you and your family) 

(yes, the motorbike is absolutely finished like beyond repair and yes there was some sort of slippy liquid on the motorways and no he didnt fall into a ditch but yeah js to add dramatic effect)

sorry if its not sad enough 

my dads helmet was sitting on the kitchen counter super scratched up and thats what rlly inspired me to write this 

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