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so I decided that for every 100 reads imma do a short chapter that is almost like a next part for the previous one and that will probably go on for a little while

also idrc about these parts not being exactly accurate to the game because cmon its been months I aint gonna remember everything and I am NOT replaying like 25 hours worth of shit js for some silly story

I dare u to take a shot anytime the word "same" is wrote in this lmao

As always, the cycle repeated again. You, Aubrey, Hero and Kel waited for Omori in the same room doing the same thing saying the same thing and expecting the same thing. However, this time it was different. Omori came looking really shook up by something which was pretty unusual for him because hes the definition of stone faced; he shows no emotion basically all the time. The rest didn't realise for some reason. It was as if they were being scripted to say the same thing which was really inhuman... 

You all took off to have a picnic but something was different. Mari wasn't waiting for you, Basil didn't bump into you, that thing wasn't there. It was really weird, because it was the same world in the same place but something about it seemed out of the norm. 

Aubrey suddenly says something about Basil going missing a few days ago when Omori wasn't present but how did she know? As far as you were aware you only gained consciousness when Omori was about to go into the neighbour's room. Anything besides the adventures with Omori were nonexistent because you were never 'awake' to experience doing anything by yourselves without Sunny

Hero starts talking about all this being a bit out of character for Basil, which was pretty true actually-- but who cares about what he has to say? Kel suggested going to his "house" to check on him. The group gets a move on and go to Basils. 

The lights are off and there's no sign of life around the place. His photo album was laying flat on the floor with some photos missing. You go over to take a closer look at the album and some black hole thing sucks you into a void. 

You open your eyes frantically and look around, everyone looking down at you confused and a bit concerned. The album was still laying flat on the floor but no photos were missing..?

"Hey Y/N are you alright? What happened?" 

Aubrey asked, looking freaked out. 

"Yeah you just like totally collapsed!!!"

Kel says, waving his arms around like it was an emergency or something. You look down at your hands while you get up on yours knees. What the fuck just happened? Turning your head to the left you notice Sunny staring at you with a look of surprise; the look that screams "fuck no one was meant to know about that". You tilt your head to the side in confusion, Omori shrugs. 

"Guys I think we should go to the OtherWorld and check around there for Basil! I heard that there's someone special there that could help us out"

"Hero that is so stupid my ideas are way better, like instead of doing whatever you said we should just wait for Basil like there's no way he wouldn't come back!"

"Kel that is the worst idea I have ever heard.."

The pair kept bickering until Aubrey slapped the back of Kel's head and it ended with a bang, shutting him and Hero up.

"I think we should go have a picnic! What do you think Omori??"

Omori shrugged Aubrey off, probably not caring too much. Omori doesn't really do anything at the picnics either. He doesn't eat or drink anything, doesn't talk and just sits there and stares off into space.

"Okay I'll decide because none of you obviously can, lets go to the OtherWorld and ask around to see if anyone saw him"

You say, feeling pretty confident. No one disagrees, and so you all set off to the otherworld. However, little did you know you would have to climb a giant ladder to get up there! 

As you were climbing, Kel started to yell about his pet rock Hector falling, oh no! You just roll your eyes and keep climbing. Then you feel something tugging on your leg, it was Kel again. "Let go of my leg.." 


"If you fell I would have as well, you understand that right?"

"Oh I thought you would've saved me"

"No Kel, I would have not"

After a long climb, you all make it to the OtherWorld. There were some weird craters on the ground which wasn't weird because you were on the moon but still. Kel and Aubrey started bickering about something that was totally irrelevant and you get to the main city. There you saw 2 sets of somewhat familiar stairs. At the top of the stairs was a house shaped into a pretty moon. That looked like the place where you were all headed next..

aight, if u couldn't tell I personally dont really like making characters talk if yk what I mean?? I dont know why I just prefer to write without anyone talking so im sorry if sometimes things get a bit awkward but yeah woah I wonder what happens next 

isnt proof read but I just cbaaa school starts tomorrow :'(

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