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The guy with blue spiky hair looks like a mess. Maybe something bad happened to him, I guess we'll never know. Hero goes up to him and starts talking about how they are looking for someone and need help. Spiky hair refuses to help and looks pissed, wow, what an asshole. 

"Why won't you help though? Give me a valid reason" Hero yells out. 

"Because! All I ever do is help people, but no one helps me. You wouldn't understand!! Why would you?"

As soon as the freak with blue hair said that he turned away, starting to walk off to a moon shaped house. He was clenching his fists in anger. Hero backs down and looks a bit uncomfortable, his expressing contorting into a look of doubt. 

"Fine, have it your way. WE will look for Basil without you, because SOMEONE is too caught up in their own problems to even help out a bit"

Everyone and everything stops. The roads went silent and the freak wasn't walking away anymore. Stopping dead in his tracks, he turned around and faced all of you. 

"What did you just say? Caught up in my own problems? You are quite quick to judge. I have more important things to do rather than help some lost kids find this Basil person"

Hero got angered by that response, why isn't this guy getting the memo? Hero clenched his fists and blew up at the guy. 

"Oh my god will you stop being so full of yourself and JUST tell us if you have seen him? I don't care about your problems or whatever, I AM SIMPLY ASKING YOU if you have seen Basil. He has bright blue hair with a flower crown, yellow t-shirt and dungarees, a bit shorter than the guy with black hair over there" 

Blue haired freak scoffed and eyed Hero up and down. Now he looked really pissed. 

"Obviously I haven't, its not normal for some annoying kids to come here. Since I told you what you wanted to hear, just leave me alone and get out of here. I may be pissed at yous, but I hope you find this Basil guy"

Hero looked at him with a "are you fucking serious?" look and turned on his heels, walking away. You thanked the freak quickly and ran after Hero and the rest of the group did the same. It was the first time you saw Hero so mad, because he always keeps his composure for Kel and Aubrey (and usually Basil). 

Now you had no fucking clue what to do, because that guy didn't help at all and who else was there to ask? The more you thought about it the more you caught yourself often forgetting what Basil was like. Sure it had only been a short while (or so you thought, no clocks in headspace) but you started to slowly forget what he was like. Yes, you hung around him all the time, but once you get comfortable with someone you start to almost forget the rather small and not important details about them. The feeling was similar to the aftermath of something like this happening: lets say you have your favourite character in some game and someone asks you about a specific thing like a ribbon in their hair. Although they are your favourite character, it might be hard to remember what the ribbon was like because you don't pay attention to it and rather pay attention to just your character. That is the best  way to describe the feeling you had right now. 

a tad longer chapter cuz im feeling motivated (thats a lie i just wanted to put something out for halloween/nnn lmfao)

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