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lovers suicide with sunny! (well you do it tg but ur not in a relationship?? like your soulmates but the feelings werent sorted out, maybe in a another life)

i got inspo from a bsd oneshot i read with dazai 

PURE self indulgent shit 

Walking hand in hand with Sunny, you begin to drag your feet across the path. Although you were the one to propose the idea of suicide together, now you were rethinking it a bit. On one hand you would finally be able to leave this hell but on the other you would leave Basil behind, and asking Basil to do it with you was pointless. Basil was always telling you to be more positive and to try to see life a different way. 

Snapping out of your thoughts, you bump into Sunny who has let go of your hand and stopped walking. Looking up at him in confusion, he signals with a motion of his head that you have arrived at the bridge. Because of past incidents, there were now tall railings surrounding the bridge that prevented suicide but not really? Sunny, not giving a fuck anymore, climbed the railing and sat down waiting for you to come up with him. You complied, slowly crawling up and sitting beside him. Admiring the slow water below you, you put your head on Sunny's shoulder. This action made Sunny tense up and look away from you. As the last song you would ever hear in your shared headphones stopped playing, Sunny started taking his shoes off. He then twisted his torso to where you were just standing a few seconds ago and he places his shoes down, making them face the water. Understanding what he was doing, you follow. Taking off your shoes and placing them down below where you were sitting. 

Taking a deep breath, you snatch the shared headphones off sunny and place them into your shoes along with the bright yellow walkman you owned. Turning around to Sunny, you whisper: 

"You ready?" 

"Yeah, I think so" 

Taking his hand and squeezing it warmly, you count down to three very loudly.




And you push yourself off the railing along with Sunny. He's smiling down at you as the wind puts you in an embrace you have never felt before. Landing in the cold water below you with a splash, you feel the cold arms of the water starting to envelop you closer and closer. Just as you are about to black out, Sunny stares into your eyes with the brightest smile you have ever seen him have since he got that violin for Christmas. Being the last thing you ever looked at in this world, the image of him smiling burned into the back of your eye lids as the cold water began to not feel as cold anymore. 

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