your letters..?

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i dont rlly know who to make this with, so you decide! wether it be hero, basil, mari, sunny, kel, aubrey, it will (most likely) fit at least a little bit 

i feel kind of bad about my absence so your getting a double upload! after this idk when the next time a chapter will come out but we'll see; maybe a triple upload? 

(scenario: it was 1989, you and the character were forbidden from seeing each other because of your bad influence on each other. You sent letters but they dont respond for years. what happens after that? also ur old lmfao) 

It's officially the year 2000, meaning I turn 26 in May. I was laying down on my bed, thinking about my teenage life. Jesus christ, what was wrong with me? Drinking and smoking, really? Letting your mind wander, you start to think about that one friend you got banned from speaking to. What was their name again? _____???Yeah, that sounded about right. You wonder how they are holding up nowadays. 

Getting bored sitting on your bed, you decide to take your new Mercedez Benz out for a spin to the shopping centre. Parking the car (just barely), you walk your new Nike shoes inside that centre and RUN towards Hollister. They had the new jeans you were looking for. Stepping inside, you go over to the jeans section but suddenly stop after seeing a very familiar face. Taking caution, you slowly walk over to them and stare at them to see if you could figure out who it was.

"Hello, do I know you? You seem very familiar to me" 

The person with (short/long) (h/c) looks up at me with (e/c) eyes and looks me up and down. By the look on their eyes, a feeling of shock over took their expression. 

" (name)?" 

" _____ ?" 

You leave the jeans on the rack and hug them so hard. It sure has been a while, 11 years to be exact. 

"Well? How are things, its been agess!!!" 

"Haha, yeah I know. I always tried to send you my letters but you never responded..." 

"Your letters...? I never got anything??" 

You stop. What? How did _____ not get any of my letters... 

"I sent letters for 3 years straight, hoping you would answer at least one and you never did..." 

"I never got any letters, I'm sorry! I suppose it's because I moved house shortly after you-know-what happened" 

Tearing up a little bit out of annoyance (mainly because you had so many sad mix tapes that you listened to because _____ never answered your letters, and because all that sadness was for nought) you hug _____ so tightly never wanting to let go again. 

this feels sooo aimed at headspace aubrey but it wasnt meant to be???? i cant imagine reading this with hero or basil or kel in mind lmfaoaoao

this is so bad and not even rushed im js tired 

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