Final duet pt2

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Inspo: the song "dead girl walking".. AT THIS POINT I GET INSPIRATION FROM ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! this is, sadly, about sunny :')

Some sunny day(ifykyk), you decided to finally start playing your piano again. You stopped because you had no motivation, your piano seemed less interesting than it was before. Not only that, there was just no time to play it. Anyway, after a while the same 4 songs get pretty boring and repetitive. Mari had taught you 3/4 of the songs you know, while you learnt the fourth FOR Mari. You wanted to prove to her you could do something on your own without someones help, mainly because you always had Mari or Sunny help you with things. Sunny helped you with writing stupid cheesy poems and Mari helped with piano.

 You remember Mari telling you how much she's excited for the final duet with Sunny, how she's so nervous but in a good way. Mari opened your eyes to the real world. She helped you understand things that..well, you didn't understand! 

That's why you were so upset when she passed. That really the reason you quit the piano, it reminded you too much of her. However, you kept telling yourself its because of your lack of motivation which was technically right but not the full truth. Sunny was a bit of a different case though, as he had the broken violin closed in a box away from everything else. It was probably a box of everything he kept near and dear to him, but what else was in that box? No one knows. 

So it was pretty confusing when one day Sunny came to your house with a new violin. It looked too clean, pretty similar to the older one. Surprisingly, he actually spoke this time to you. Not something you were expecting, but okay. He had just told you about how he was going away, but not on holiday, to live somewhere else. 

That hurt. You and Sunny were sort of close, not as much as him and Basil though thats a different type of close.

 Anyway, he had convinced you to go play the piano again. Specifically, the original duet that the pair were meant to play. The mere mention of it made your stomach churn. It had been years though, so it was finally time to move on. Easier said than done. But you wanted to do this thing for Sunny before he moved away.

And so you go to your piano and sit down, hands shaking with panic. It had been a.. good while since you've played. And that song! So this was bound to be messy and not as good as Mari could've played but it was still something you were determined to do. Sunny looked at you with a blank expression you couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment. 

You nod, signalling you were ready.

It started off smooth but got a bit rocky at the end. You played a few wrong notes or you couldn't  keep up with Sunny. He was probably practising for this, or for Mari and his original duet. Both, maybe. The song started to fade out, leaving you nearly in tears. Sunny still had that blank expression, nothing. Nada. You were 100% sure he was happy just didn't show it. Or maybe annoyed because you didn't play it perfectly? He always had a surprisingly short temper. Pretty weird, huh? Wouldn't expect it from someone like him. He softly left his violin on the floor and walked up to you, giving you a hug. It was a cold hug. No warmness, no comforting embrace. It was cold and lifeless, like Mar- Anyways. You stayed like that, the hug getting colder and colder.

a bit longer than usual because i feel nice also dont mind any mistakes, sometimes I zone out and type with my fingers rather than my brain and dont process everything im typing so im prone to making mistakes :)

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