Chapter 5

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Bay's POV.

The drive to the movies was silent, but I knew what Haley was thinking. She was giving me the look from the corner of her eye the whole time.

I decided to break the silence and tell her what was up.

"It's not gonna happen, Haley. I know what you're thinking."

She giggled, "I'm not thinking about anything."

I rolled my eyes. She was so sarcastic.

"You know I know you better then anyone else. I don't like him. Well I don't like him like that."

She laughed. "Did you see the way he was looking at you? He totally has the hots for you!"

I turned away from her, my cheeks getting hot. I did notice him checking me out, but he's a guy! Of course he's going to check me out.

We rode the rest of the way in silence. I snuck a glance at Haley. She was grinning, knowing she had won. But I wasn't going to give up that easily.

We pulled into the parking lot and parked next to each other . I looked over and burst out laughing. Nathan and his weird faces, he always knows how to make me laugh.

We all piled into the entrance of the building.

"So what are we seeing?" Destery asked.

His voice made my skin tingle. I ignored the feeling, just like when we first made eye contact. His face was irresistible to look at. His lips pink and kissable. His chocolate brown eyes, ugh, I didn't want to look away. His smile made me swoon but I refused to show it.

I pushed all that deep inside. I wasn't out for love and I sure wasn't gonna start now.

"We're seeing the new horror movie." I said, turning to face him.

He grinned. "Is there a reason we’re seeing a horror movie?"

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks get hot. He was making feel nervous.

"Um, we better get our tickets before the movie starts." Haley said, tugging on my shirt.

I nodded and followed behind. The boys bought out tickets and we headed in.

Haley tugged me behind so she could talk to me.

"Um.." She look like a scared little kid, fidgeting with her fingers. "W-would it be okay if me and Nate sat by ourselves?"

She looked at me, waiting for my answer, pleading with her eyes. I sighed. I didn't want to sit with Destery by myself, but I guess I could be a wing woman for my best friend.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you!" She squealed, hugging me tightly.

"You're.. welcome... Um, Haley?"


"Do you mind letting go? I can't... Breathe."


She let go, giggling.

"Sorry about that." She laughed.

I gave her the thumbs up and we headed inside.

Nathan obviously already talked to Destery, as they were sitting some distance apart. Haley happily skipped over to Nathan. Settling in comfortably by his side.

I gulped, as I headed over towards Destery. I felt my cheeks getting hot as I sat down. I was glad it was dark so he couldn't see.


I jumped when he spoke. Not expecting him to speak to me.

"We never officially introduced ourselves. I'm Destery Smith."

He held out his hand, his smile bright against to movie screen’s glow.

I took his hand into mine.

"Bay. Bay Summers."

His hand was warm in mine as we shook hands. My skin tingling against his.

I let go of his hand, turning away from him. The movie started then. I was relieved. No more conversations.


The movie was two hours long. I took a sneak peek over to Haley and Nathan. They were holding hands and Haley was tightly gripping his arm with the one that wasn‘t intertwined. She turned away when ever she was frightened. A few minutes later, Nathan pulled the “arm over the shoulder” move. Haley gladly snuggled in close.

I smiled, glad everything was going well. I jumped at a part I wasn't expecting and my hand accidentally grabbed Desterys. I quickly pulled away, thankful it was dark so he couldn't see me blushing.

"Sorry." I whispered.

He just smiled and shrugged.

"It's okay, if you ever get scared I’m here for you."

He winked at me, turning his attention back to the movie.

My eyes widened, and my face got even hotter.

After the movie we hung out in the parking lot for a while.

"You guys should come over tonight. Slumber party!" Nathan said, grinning at Haley.

She giggled a flirty giggle, blushing.

"I'm in." Haley said. She turned to me, begging with her eyes again.

I sighed. "I'm in to."

Haley cheered. She owes me big time for this.

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