Chapter 30

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Okay guys! This is the last chapter! :o but don't be sad! If you follow me or keep following me, I WILL be writing another book and yes it WILL be the sequel to Beautiful Mistake :) and yes Haley WILL still be my editor :) I just wanna thank our fans for sticking around and waiting for the chapters :) and if you're new we wanna thank you for joining us :) I personally wanna thank my best friend Haley for being my editor and helping me with this story, with out her I wouldn't have kept writing :) I love you babe, forever and always!<3 we love all of our readers, yes, each and every single one of you! You're all beautiful/handsome and perfect in every way!<3 -group hug!- anyways I hope you enjoy this last chapter, I hope you enjoyed this story and I hope you stick around for the next one :) fair winds our readers!<3


Haley and Nate finally came home with Steven after about a week.

"Welcome home!" I said as they walked through the door.

"Finally! I thought I was going to go crazy being in the hospital for so long." Haley said, setting Steven's car seat down and hugging me tightly.

"How is my little nephew doing?" I said, making goo goo noises at him.

"He's doing a lot better. He was just a little under developed when he was born, but he's obviously fine now if he's home." Nathan said, unbuckling Steven from his car seat, cradling him in his arms.

"How about we get a family picture, first day home." Destery said, setting the video camera down and picking up a different camera.

They both scooted closer to each other, putting Steven in the middle of them, and before the camera went off Steven smiled. I couldn't help but smile. They were such a perfect family.

"Is it alright if I post that on Twitter? Our fans are dying to know if you're home." Destery asked, taking his phone out and snapping a picture before they moved.

"Sure broski." Nate said, taking Steven from Haley. "Sweetheart you can go shower, I'll take care of our little man."

"Aww you're so sweet." Haley said, kissing his cheek. "Keep an eye on him." Haley whispered to me as she walked by.

I laughed, following Nate into the living room.

"Steven, meet Kitty. She was my baby before you came along, now I have two baby's." Nate said, taking Stevens hand and gently petting Kitty.

"Aw that's to cute. Now, can I hold him?" I asked, stretching out my arms.

Nate laughed and handed the baby to me. I cradled him in my arms, snuggling him close.

"Aren't you a handsome wittle man. Yes he is, yes he is." I cooed.

I heard Destery snicker behind me, and when I turned around he had the video camera in my face.

"Destery! Get that thing out of my face!" I said, as I positioned Steven to one arm and tried to shove the camera out of my face.

"Aw come on Bay, that was cute!" He said, gently fighting back.

I flipped him off and he began to laugh.

"Nateo wanna help me finish up this video blog?" Destery asked as he began to walk down the hall towards the video room.

"I'd love to!" Nate said in a high pitched voice, "You got him?"

I smiled and nodded, "Go ahead, your fans miss you."

He smiled and ran after Destery. I laughed, still not believing that Nathan was now a father. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I paid no attention to it though, I mostly rocked Steven and cooed at him.

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