30th AU Idea: of sea's and love world building / character bio

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So some people might be a bit confused the last time I talked about this AU so I will be discussing some events and locations that have happened in this world 🗺 also characters for a recap now on to the LOOOOOORRRREEE! *game theory intro plays*


Obtopia: kingdom of objects, kingdom of king mephone, host of the grand sea ball, birthplace of the queen of beasts, most famous export is cookies 🍪 (due to the new king), maker of hunting ships for both pirate's and sea-beasts

The first sea: has small island villages, has terrible waves 🌊 that terrorize this Ocean, home of the fearsome pirate cap'n sharp, has very Little crash Rock's (you know the rocks ships crash into)

The second sea: a bit more crash rocks then the first sea, second roaming grounds for the fearsome Helium beard, trading ships usually go through here,

The third sea: no crash rocks, base of the terrible duo cap'n eight arms and cap'n fan, base of the famous trading company Megold.

The Megold Cloud: the HQ of Megold, factory/storage/port facility, holds all of Megold's profits, new home of ex king Steven cobsworth.

The fourth sea: has crash rock islands (islands that have formed due to crash rocks being smoothed), base of Helium beard.

The fifth Sea: base of cap'n snot beard, has a lot of crash rocks, home to shipwreck peak a tower of crashed ships and base of the bowost Leviathan (bow is a sea-beast but you know dead) (the name is a mix of bow and ghost)

The sixth & seventh sea: these two seas are actually intertwined in a sort of Yin Yang pattern causing them to be both the same yet different sea's at the same time, both have the MOST crash rocks out of all seas, home to both lightbulb blooms and cap'n flames.


Knife: cap'n sharp, scourge of the first sea, ex royal captain, excellent checkers player, angry most of the time, captain of the Cutting Board.

Balloon: Helium beard, scourge of the second & fourth sea, owner of one of the few beards of the kingdom, Ex-cabin boy for the Royal Navy and served under general Juice, captain of the rock breaker.

Testtube & fan: the co-captain's: cap'n eight arms (testtube) and cap'n fan (fan), sea beast tamers (eggy), scourge of the Third sea, mad scientist (testtube), master of the katana (fan), built eight robotic appendages (testtube), captain's of the lab (their ship), are a couple.

Tissues: cap'n snot beard, scourge of the fifth sea, Has the condishan, has one of the few beards of the kingdom, stole king Mephone's prized golden cookie crown, captain of the sick bay.

Trophy: General gold, ex-cabin boy, new third in command of the Royal Navy, hater of sea-beasts, jealous of/wants General juice's position, GAY but in denial, has anger issues, has a crush on the new cabin boy cheesy, has an interest in painting (because photography doesn't exist yet).

Cheesy: Cheesy la'pun, GAY, used to be a court Jester for king Steven cobsworth but was imprisoned for life due to being "very unhumorous" until the revolution (is still not a court jester for being annoying so king MePhone just put him as a cabin boy), was saved by general trophy during "the tide!", says WAY to many puns.

Taco: black shell, scourge of all pirates & navy men, notorious Pirate and hated/feared by almost everyone (even a couple sea-monsters), has a black shell unlike there non pirate counterparts, BRITISH!!!, has peg leg instead of cracks, reward for Capture is 100.000.000 buckaros, lesbian, captain of insanity's Revenge.

MePhone: King MePhone, king of Obtopia, Depressed (just like the original one 😃), owns a Castle & a cool crown, had a cooler cookie crown stolen from him by cap'n snot beard, started a revolution against His father, killed his brother during the revolution (MePhone4S), feels guilty for killing his brother and is trying to make up for it by being a good king.

Paintbrush: cap'n Flames, scourge of the sixth & seventh sea, non binary (just thought I would bring it up), homosexual, Captain of the painters palette (you know the things that painters use?), can control fire powers (optional), has crush on lightbulb.

Lightbulb: the electrica/Lightbulb blooms, scourge of the sixth & seventh sea, Homosexual, huge both length and height Wise, can conger lightning storm by shooting electricity into the clouds (thought that could be cool ;)), hates most pirates, chipper but grumpy and can get angry if interrupted during a conversation, enjoys cookies, has sunken 69 ships (lmao), looks like a giant mermaid (thinks of the size of A quarter of a skyscraper) but with shark teeth, great singer, lives in a cave system made from giant rocks found in the seventh/sixth sea.

OJ: General Juice or OJ only to family lovers or very close friends, general of the Royal Obtopia navy, GAY, loyal to the crown (even if he dislikes the current king), is loved (romantically) by almost all the women of the kingdom, has a secret lover (paper) and is embarrassed with himself because he knows paper is upset with something but doesn't know what to do.

Paper: sir paper (but pronounced with a heavy and I mean HEAVY British accent), GAY, secret lover to OJ but wants to be public about it, used to be a pirate was the most feared one in all seven of the sea's too he was known as cap'n Evil and is trying desperately to hide it from OJ, second in command to the Royal Obtopia Navy.

Pepper: Maid in waiting pepper, lady in waiting for her friend salt, Lesbian, has a crush on princess salt, try's to do their best for the Princess, far less annoying then OG pepper.

Salt: Princess salt, closeted/in denial lesbian, Princess 👑 of Obtopia, adopted daughter of King Mephone, thinks they have a crush on OJ (girl come on 😒), less annoying then OG salt.

Microphone: cabin gal mic, cabin gal and crew member of the insanity's revenge, Lesbian, has a crush on black shell, was saved by black shell once and wishes to repay this life debt, plays a lot of music, half siren (the entire species was almost wiped out by cap'n evil), there screams can Break crash rocks.

Steve Cobs: Steven cobsworth, owner and founder of Megold, Father of Mephone, exiled ruler of Obtopia, creater of the Meworker (mephone's), greedy, wants to utilize the power of the sea-beasts (sea-monsters), hungry for power.

Evil paper: Cap'n evil, sir paper's original personality before getting hit on the head and growing a conscious, worse then black shell, almost wiped out an entire species just for kicks.


The grand sea ball: a event celebrating the death of the queen of beasts mother of sea-monsters/sea-beasts, there is food, games, dancing, and a historical reenactment/play.

Birth of the queen of sea-beasts: a catastrophe that killed over 80'000 objects after the queen burst through the center of the kingdom, it went to the ocean were it lived for the next 420 years until it was killed by the Royal Obtopia navy.

The Obtopia revolution: started by the 3rd prince mephone, after mephone4 won against his father he was banished for on quote "being both a douche king and a bad father".

The first pirate: the first pirates name was lost to history but there reason for being a pirate was recorded, they became a pirate because they wanted to be free' free from what? We're not sure.

The Tide: a huge wave created by three sea-monsters that went to destroy the dock of the navy, one of the sea-beasts was killed while the other two escaped, during the event thankfully only 69 (nice) lives were loss due too the quick thinking of the generals, this was a recent event only happened 4 years after the revolution.

The End

Hi I hope you liked this expansion on the idea I had before and I hope with this you use both this and the idea OF SEA'S AND LOVE to write a book :)

Anyways I hope you use my ideas and have a marry Christmas!

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