Part 1 - Hello World!

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Firey: Already...? Just a little mor- YOYLECAKE. I'M LATE. On the first day as well? My teacher will be pissed.



Firey: Alright. Turns out school starts later than I thought. Now that I have some time to spare I should talk to my friends and find out what they're up to.

Pen: Hey Firey! What been happening?

Firey: Nothing much. Just resting off what happened last year.

Blocky: Bro. You need to get over Teardrop. It's a new year! You can get someone else.

Firey: I know but... I just wanted Teardrop okay?


Firey: Alright! See you guess at break!



Firey: How are we supposed to know what 18374891 x (12 + 2324124.21948) -15 is? I liked year one when we were supposed to learn what 6 / 2 was.

Firey: Anyway. This girl just sat on the desk next to me. She had green hair. I think her name is Leafy or something. She is a girl that everybody simps for for some reason (for for?). How do I know? Every time I am walking between classes kids are like: "Hey Leafy. Wanna go to prom with me?"
I have no idea why they are talking about partners for prom this early in the year but I guess they want to get her before anybody else does. She does have friends, such as Needle. But-

Teacher: FIREY! Can you solve the question on the board for me?

Firey: Uhh... 273..?

Teacher: Have you not listened to anything this lesson? Detention!

Firey: Well. I tried.



Leafy: Geez. The teacher is so dumb for not calling out my phone in my book.

Teacher: Excuse me, Leafy?

Leafy: Uhh, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Teacher: Detention!


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