Chapter 1: An Unforgettable Night

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"1st down!!! Taylor rushed through that pack like a diesel truck!!!" the football announcer said excitedly over the tv screen. The player he was referring to was Zachary Taylor. He was wide receiver for the Cleveland Browns. He was previously an undrafted free agent with the Detroit Lions, but was released early in the year 2021. He signed with the Cleveland Browns in 2023. Taylor feels like he has a lot to prove to his family, friends, and coaches with this new team so that's why he gives it 1000% each and every time.

"We at the 5 yard line with 50 seconds left on the clock. The score is tied 21 to 21. Hands off to Taylor, he runs right, turns back innnn. Scorrrrreeeeeeee!!!" Zachary Taylor Touchdown babyyyyyyy!!!!" The crowd erupts and the stadium sounds like the roof is about to come off. Zac is taking in all the love and runs over to jump up and give his mom a kiss and his game winning touchdown ball. He was feeling on top of the world.

Zac ran through the tunnel to join his teammates in the celebration. When he reached the locker room, all of the players crowded around him. They were hitting him on his helmet and shoulder pads with excitement and happiness during this celebration. The coach gave his speech and told the guys to hit the shower and celebrate, but to not celebrate too much. The team laughed and hit the showers.

While Zac was in the shower, his heart was full because he never thought that he would be at this place he is now with his football career. He worked hard after being released from the Detroit Lions to get the wide receiver spot with the Cleveland Browns. His was on the way to what he felt was making his life complete. The only thing he needed now was a wife and kids. His own little cheering section.

Family means everything to Zac! He would go to the end of the earth for his family. His mom was a single parent to him, his older brother Jeremiah, and his little sister Khadeen. Zac saw how his mom, Gladys worked two, sometimes three jobs to provide for her family. He knows that's where he got his work ethic and never giving up mentality. On top of that, she showed love to all of her children. She was there for every football game, cheerleader practice, school play, or school recital. They never felt neglected or unsupported. That is something Zac was ready to give when God was ready to bless him with his wife and kids. His FAMILY! That thought put a smile on Zac's face and anticipation in his heart.

Zac got out the shower and put on his clothes (see below)

Zac got out the shower and put on his clothes (see below)

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because he was ready to celebrate. As he was walking out the locker room, he saw his boys waiting for him by the door to go to their cars. His closest friends on the team were Jalen, Tyreek, Myles, Aaron, and Travis. They were talking and laughing loud as usual.

"Here comes the man of the hour and the play winner, Mr. Zachary Taylor everybody" said Tyreek. "And the crowd goes wild ahhhhhhh" chimed in Myles. Zac walked a little slower so they could take in his presence and he could gloat on the win. "Cocky ass" Jalen laughed.

"What's up my guys" Zac said as he dabbed up and hugged his boys. "Where we going to celebrate?" "Let's go to The Foundation Room." (see below)

suggested Travis

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suggested Travis. "That is perfect!" Jalen, Tyreek, Myles, and Aaron said in unison. "You okay with that Zac?" asked Travis. I'm down!!! Zac walked to his car and decided to call his mom to make sure she made it home safely.

***Phone Conversation ***
Gladys: Hello!

Zac: Hey ma!

Gladys: Awwww, heyyy my baby!

Zac: I was making sure you made it home safely.

Gladys: Oh yeah, I'm home baby. Your sister dropped me off and made sure I was in good and locked up. I even got on my night clothes and finna say my prayers.

Zac: That's good mama. I'm going to put some money in your account tomorrow.

Gladys: You don't have to do that baby. I still ain't spent up all the other money you gave me!

(they both laughed)

Zac: I know mama. I just want to take care of you where you don't have to worry about anything. You sacrificed a lot for all of us growing up. I know that I can't fully repay you for the priceless love that you showed us, but I am going to try my damn hardest.

Gladys: Don't make your mama cry son. I am just sooooo proud of you for living out your dreams. And I really appreciate EVERYTHING that you do for me. You had a GREAT game today!!! I really enjoyed seeing you run that ball!!! You on your way to celebrate?

Zac: Yes ma'am. Me and a couple of the guys.

Gladys: Ok. You be careful out there and watch out for those ole fast tail girls!!

Zac: Yes ma'am. I'll call you in the morning. Love you ma.

Gladys: Love you more son!!

Zac: Later

***End Conversation***

Zac didn't like saying goodbye when he hung up the phone because those were the last words he said on the phone with his dad. Unfortunately, he never saw him again.

He loved talking to his mom though. She always made his heart smile.

Zac pulled up to the restaurant and walked in with his friends. As soon as the guys walked in, the other patrons started clapping and cheering!! They definitely showed their appreciation to their home team for giving them a great game experience!! News traveled quick they were there because before they could sit down, the owner was approaching their table. He moved them to a more private section of the lounge and told them the 1st bottle of champagne was on him. They guys thanked him and started looking at their menus.

The guys talked, laughed, took pictures, and even signed a couple of autographs. One person in particular caught Zac's eye when she came up for an autograph. He remembered her from his days when he was a free agent for the Detroit Lions. She was an upcoming sportscaster.


Awwww, Mr. Zachary Taylor! Sooo nice to see you again! Is it ok if little ole me I can get the big football star's autograph?

Ms. Maria Taylor! Long time no see! Of course you can! How you been doing?

You know me! Out here surviving and making this moneyyyy honeyyy!!

I see, I see! Ain't mad at cha for that!!

Greattttt game!!! How does it feel making the scoring touchdown in such a close game!

It feels good! Veryyy good!! You know how hard I worked to get to this point in my career. Or you should know since you were practically at every one of them.

Do you mind if I sit down?

No, please do.

Marie and Zac talked, ate, and drank until the wee hours of the morning. All of the guys decided to get rooms since the lounge was located in the Crowne Plaza hotel.

The guys saw how drunk Zac was so they decided to help him to his room. They laid him down in the bed and left to go to their rooms.

***The Next Morning***

Zac grunted as he tried to open his eyes slowly from the sun's glare coming through the window. He looked around the room to see how he even got there from the night he had. He tried to sit up to get himself together, but his head was spinning so bad that he had to grab it to try to stop it from spinning. He staggers to the bathroom to throw up. Zac uses the hotel's mouthwash until he gets back home to brush his teeth. As he comes out of the bathroom, he looks up, "What the hell?"

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