Chapter 4: It Looks Promising

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Zac gave CJ a look like "who is this" while pointing at the phone. CJ motioned to Zac to just talk on the phone.

***Phone Conversation ***

"Hello. Are you there?"

"Ummm, my apologies. Yes Ms. Barnes I'm here. This is Zachary Taylor".

"Hi Mr. Taylor. My little brother CJ told me about your situation and I would like to help you out as a favor for him. I would like to meet with you tomorrow at my office".

"Yes, that will be great and I can meet you anytime tomorrow."

"Great! I will have my assistant Fatima Wilson call you before the end of the day to give you the time and the address. Please be on time".

"Ok. I look forward to her call. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'll talk to you soon. Goodbye".


***End Conversation ***

Zac hung up the phone and handed it back to CJ.

"Thank you for that help bro. That means a lot. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome bro. I told you that I got your back."

"And that you do! You always do." Zac said while shaking his head in disbelief. "I need to put my house back together that I messed up when I spazzed" as he looked around the room.

"That you do because you spazzed like a motherfucker! I didn't know if to hide or fight the shit that you were throwing."

They both started laughing and CJ decided to help Zac put his place back together. While they were picking things up, Zac decided to ask CJ a couple of questions about Ms. Andrea Barnes.

"Soooo, you have a big sister that is a lawyer?"

"Yeah I do. She is really my half sister but we don't address each other as such. We have the same mom. We found out about each other almost 9 years ago. We took the time to get to know each other. Our likes and dislikes, how much we are like our mom, and building our sibling relationship. We have been getting stronger and closer ever since. We made a promise to always have each other's back regardless of what is going on. She is my big sister and I am really glad to have her in my life".

"Wow! That is amazing. I'm happy that happened for you bro. Family means everything to me and it's hurting me that my family is going through this situation with me. I would NEVER do anything to hurt them".

"I understand Taylor and I know that you wouldn't ".

Zac and CJ finally got the inside of his house looking back to normal. Zac was going to have a beer and invited CJ to join him. CJ declined because he had some things to do and was going to leave when he saw a crowd of reporters in front and across the street from Zac's house. Zac looked up when he didn't hear his front door open and CJ walking back to the living room where he was sitting.

"I thought you were leaving?"

"Well, I was, but you have some visitors in front of the house and across the street".

Zac got up to go look out a front window. He shook his head, got CJ a beer, and sat down next to him in the living room.

"I'm kinda nervous about this meeting tomorrow with Ms. Barnes. I don't know what to expect." Zac said to CJ.

"Don't be nervous. My sis is good at what she does. She is going to give it to you straight on the next steps to take".


They continued to talk and laugh about old times when Zac's phone rung.

***Phone conversation***

"May I speak to Zachary Taylor please?"

"This is Zachary Taylor."

"Hi Mr. Taylor. This is Fatima Wilson, Andrea Barnes assistant. I was calling to let you know that she would like to meet with you tomorrow at 10:45. I just texted you the address. Please be on time."

"Thank you so much Ms. Wilson for calling me. I just received your text and yes I will be there before time. I really appreciate it."

"You are so welcome Mr. Taylor. See you tomorrow and have a great rest of your day. Bye bye".

***End Conversation***

Zac hung up the phone and was feeling nervous but excited at the same time. He was glad the process to getting this situation handled was starting because he was ready to put it behind him. He was ready to get back to his normal life because his life wasn't feeling no where normal right now.

"So who was that?" asked CJ which made Zac snap out of his trance.

"That was Ms. Wilson, your sister's assistant about my appointment tomorrow. I meet with her at her office at 10:45."

"I told you my sister about her business. Well, I'm going to get out of here and head home to take care of some of YOUR business because that's what I do." CJ said while laughing.

Zac and CJ fist pumped, gave each other a hug, and CJ walked towards the door. Before he opened it, he turned and looked at Zac.

"Tomorrow is a new day Taylor!"

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