Chapter 2: Say What?!?!?!

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Zac double blinked to make sure he was seeing correctly. There was another body in his bed and he didn't know how it got there. He couldn't remember shit from the previous night and the pounding in his head made it hurt to think. He approached that side of the bed slowly to look and see who it was. He bent down to look at the face that was half under the cover and half under the pillow. Zac grunted and hit the table next to the bed so loud that it woke that person up.

"Mmmmm Zac, what's wrong? Why are you so loud?"

"What the fuck Marie? What the hell are you doing here?"

Marie sat up with her back against the headboard and wrapped the sheet over the top part of her body covering her boobs. "We had a great time last night Zac" and "You have great hands on and off the field!"

Zac sat at the end of the bed holding his head.

"What are you talking about Marie?"

"The way that I felt we were one spirit last night. It was awesome!" Marie said with excitement as she threw the covers off of her.

Zac turned around in confusion and noticed that Marie was naked.

"I don't know what you are talking about Marie! YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Zac said while standing and walking to the window to look out.

"I'll leave then Zack since you asked so nicely". Marie said sarcastically. She got her naked body out the bed and put on her clothes. She kept looking at Zac for a response or for him to even acknowledge her, which he never did. He just kept looking out the window. He heard Marie open the door to the room. "Bye Zac and thank you again for a wonderful night. See ya soon" and the door closed.

"What the fuck just happen?" Zac said as he shook his head.  With all of this going on this morning, Zac forgot that he had practice today and still needed to get home, shower, brush his teeth, and change his clothes. He looked at his watch and realized he had only an hour before practice started. He rushed and half put on his clothes by just throwing on his shirt leaving it open, hoodie thrown across his shoulder, and belt not buckled. He re-checked the room one last time to make sure he had everything and went out the door. He dropped off his key card at the front desk check out box and quickly went to his car.

As Zac drove home, he couldn't help to think about the morning events. He wanted so hard to remember, but he couldn't. Zac made it home in enough time to take his shower, get dressed, and head to the practice field. His boys were running plays when they saw him walk up.


"Well, well, well, somebody decided to come to practice"

Man fuck you Jalen!! You always got some smart shit to say!!

Zac sat down to put on his practice gear while Tyreek, Myles, Aaron, and Travis walked over to him.

"What's up Zac Attack?" said Myles while the rest of the guys fist pumped Zac.

Man, you can't even imagine how my day is starting, but on a serious note, I need all ya'll to come by the house later this evening about 7:00. They all looked at Zac with a serious face and by Zac's look, they knew it was really serious. They all agreed to meet at his house and ran on the field to start practice.

***Later That Evening***

Zac was down in his man cave (see below)

Zac was down in his man cave (see below)

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waiting on the guys to get there. He ordered them wings and pizza because he know his boys love food and he need them to be focused on what he was about to discuss with them. The doorbell rang and Zac went upstairs to let his boys in. He led them downstairs to his man cave and they immediately started fixing their plates when they saw the food. They were sitting down on the sofa eating when Zac decided to talk.


"Hey, I need to discuss something with ya'll and I need you to listen. Some crazy shit happened this morning and I need some help with some details. I can't remember a damn thing!"

"Ok. We listening" said Tyreek.

"So I remember we went out drinking last night to celebrate. I remember talking to Marie at the table. I vaguely remember ya'll taking me up to the room. So please fill me in on what happened next. Help ya brother out!"

Jalen spoke out and said "Well we took your pants and shirt off and put your drunk ass in the bed. Then we left you and went to our rooms."

"Then how the hell did Marie end up in my room and in my bed this morning?"

"What the fuck are you talking about Zac", Travis blurted out.

"Ok. Listen to me! Marie Taylor who I was talking at the table with was in my room and in my bed naked this morning when I woke up!"

Jalen spoke up again to get an understanding "You are saying that Marie was naked in your bed this morning and you don't know how she got there? Was you naked too?"

Zac gave Jalen a look that Jalen felt was piercing his soul. "Damn, nigga!! Yeah she was and I sleep naked!! My skin gotta breathe!! What the fuck?"

"So when did you take your underwear off cause we only took off your pants and shirt?" Travis asked inquisitively.

"I don't know! I guess sometime throughout the night I took them off."

"Damn man!!! That's some deep shit! We all can contest that when we left you, you were the only person in that room." Jalen spoke confidently.

Zac just shook his head because this conversation gave him a little more details, but still not an answer for how this morning happened. He decided to put his concerns on the back burner and enjoy the time spent with his guys. They ended the night early since they had practice in the morning for the game on Sunday. Zac took a shower, said his prayers, and went to sleep.

***Fast Forward***

For the next couple of days and next couple of weeks, Zac noticed how Marie would be at all the practices and games. She wanted desperately to interview Zac and get him to answer her questions. She felt like he owed her that much since that had such a "special" night, but wondered why he kept avoiding her. She would try and catch up to him and even called out his name to get his attention, but Zac kept walking.

"Hmmmm, it's like that Zac?" Marie thought to herself.

***3 days later***

"Sorry to interrupt your regulate schedule programming. Hi, I'm Adriana with Fox 8 News. Fox 8 News just received information that papers have been filed in court accusing wide receiver Zachary Taylor of non-consensual sexual conduct of a sportscaster. Her name is being withheld in protection of the victim". We will keep you updated on this developing story."

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