Chapter 7: And So It Begins.....

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Zac woke up on the floor of his theatre room around 3:30 in the morning. He must have fell asleep there after laying there thinking about his life and crying. He got his plate and went upstairs to throw it in the trash. He just wanted to sleep and not think about nothing. He then went to his room and went to bed.

When he woke up to go to the bathroom, he looked at the clock and noticed it was almost 12 noon. After using the bathroom, Zac looked at his phone to the many text messages and phone calls. There were no calls from his mom, Ms. Wilson, or CJ so he didn't worry about calling anyone back.

He had to get on the homework Ms. Wilson gave him to do. Zac went and got his empty notebook out of his office. He was going to use it to keep all of his notes in about this fight for his life. He went and got him a bottled water then walked out to his patio/deck to write all his notes. He was really enjoying his "me" time. He wrote down everything he could remember about that night and hope whatever he couldn't remember, someone would be able to fill in those gaps.

It was pretty late when Zac finished so he went inside and put his notebook on the small table by his garage door. He knew putting it there, he wouldn't forget it in the morning. He put on his alarm, took a shower, set his alarm to get up in the morning, and went to bed.

The alarm went off the next morning waking Zac up at 8:45. He needed to be there before time for his meeting with Ms. Wilson. He wanted to make a great first impression with her so he got up and took his shower. After getting out the shower, he decided to go downstairs and make him a protein shake to drink while he got dressed. He put on his clothes and gave himself a once look over in his big bedroom mirror.

"Damn Zachary Taylor!!! You look good as fuck"!!

Zac did a little chuckle as he went downstairs to rinse out his cup from the protein shake. He placed it in the sink and dried off his hands. He took his keys off the key holder by the door, got his notebook off the table, and went out the door to the garage.

Zac let up the garage door. Before driving out the garage, Zac decide to text his boys to make sure they were going to be on time to the meeting with Ms. Wilson.

****Text Conversation ***

Zac: What's up my brothers?!?! Checking in to see if ya'll coming to the meeting today at the law office?

Travis: I'll be there.

Tyreek: I'm there bro.

Myles: Of course. I'm there.

Jalen: I might be a little late, but I'll be there.

Aaron: Without question. I gotcha bro.

Zac: Ya'll just don't know how much I appreciate ya'll. I am going to text you the address. Make sure you are there before 10:45, except Jalen's always late ass. But, Jalen, bro please try and get there as quickly and close to 10:45 as you can.

Jalen: Damn nigga, I said I might be late. Calm yo ass down.

Zac: You just don't understand Jalen

***End Text Conversation***

Zac shook his head about Jalen and backed out of his garage. He let the garage down and headed to the law office. He wanted to call his mom, but just decided to call her later before she went to bingo.

Zac made it to the law firm and noticed there was a new receptionist at the front desk. The name plate said Angela.

"Good morning Angela. My name is Zachary Taylor and I am here to see Ms. Fatima Wilson".

"Mmmm, you look so good and you are so fine. You dating or got a girlfriend"?

Zac laughed at how she was flirting with him, but he was trying to handle business and not start a relationship.

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