Chapter 21: Karma Is A MF

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Zac walked up and stood over Ian. Dani stood to the side of Zac with her hand in her purse. Ian backed up until his back was at the back of the couch. Zac got in Ian's face and was looking him eyeball to eyeball.

"What's ALL that shit you was talking on that voicemail huh?

Dani took out the knife she had in her purse and put it to Ian's throat.

"Talk that shit now nigga!! That's what I thought! You ain't got shit to say now bitch?!Especially with that tip at your esophagus huh? Let me tell you one motherfucking thing nigga. You better not EVERRR call or talk to Fatima again in ANY capacity. That shit you did to her was fucked up and then your punk ass left her there"!!!

All of a sudden...POW, POW, POW, POW, POW, Zac just started punching Ian in the face. Dani put the knife back in her purse and tried to get Zac to stop. Just then, Jeremiah and the homies had arrived. They ran to help Dani get Zac off of Ian. They pushed Zac by the door. Dani closed and locked the door. She then stood in front of Zac to keep him from moving.

"Tie this motherfucker up in that chair" Dani said to Zac's two homies that came with Jeremiah.

While they were tying Ian up, Zac was talking to Jeremiah about what to move out.

"All of the things that have sticky notes on it is Fatima's", Zac said. The homies finished tying Ian up to the chair and went to join Jeremiah.

They started moving Fatima's things out of the house when Ian just had to say something AGAIN!

"Yeah and you betta only get her shit and don't you dare touch my shit" Ian said with attitude and spitting blood on the floor.

Dani walked over to Ian and slapped him hard.

"Shut your bitch ass up! What can you do if we did? Not a motherfucking thing but get your ass whooped again and maybe I'll even cut your ass THIS time!

"Dani, that shit was funny yo! You slapped him hard as fuck"! Zac said laughing.

"She didn't do shit! That was a bitch slap"!, Ian chimed in.

"Oh really nigga"! Dani said.

Zac was watching Dani closely because he didn't like the look in her eyes. Dani went to her purse and got her knife out again. She went back and straddled Ian facing him with rage in her eyes. She pulled down his basketball shorts and placed the knife at his dick. Zac moved closer to Dani.

"Now, you THINK you a bad ass nigga, but you really a bitch! You pushed my friend and made her hit her face on the wall and her side on the rail! AND THEN YOU FUCKING LEFT HER THERE AND DIDN'T FUCKING CHECK ON HER!!!!! My friend has bruises because of you and she didn't deserve it!!Why don't I just cut off your dick, since you a fucking pussy? You not using it anyway"!

Zac ran over and tried to stop Dani from cutting Ian's dick off. That's when Ian let out a scream. Dani got up off of Ian.

"Shut the hell up nigga. I just cut you a little bit.

Dani and Zac noticed a little blood coming through Ian's boxers, but they both did not give one ounce of fucks. That nigga could bleed out for all they cared. Dani got a paper towel and used it to turn the water on to wash the knife off. She didn't want any of her fingerprints on anything in that house and she didn't want none of Ian's dick juices on it. She wrapped the knife up and cut the water off using the paper towel. Then she put it back in her purse. Jeremiah and the homies were almost finished moving Fatima's things out.


Just then Zac jumped over the couch to get to Ian. He knocked him down in the chair and just started punching Ian over and over. Jeremiah ran to Zac and picked him up from behind to stop him from hitting Ian.

"Zac, lets go! That's enough"! Jeremiah said. He pushed Zac so hard that he stumbled outside the door. Dani grabbed her purse and headed out the door to where Zac was standing. They both started walking towards their cars and noticed Jeremiah and his homies were bringing the couch out and getting ready to close up the truck. Dani was already in her car when she noticed Zac talking to Jeremiah and the homies.

"We don't need to meet tomorrow at the spot. Finish it now"!

Zac then got in his car and drove off. When he got home, he looked in the room to check on Fatima. She was sleep so he then called Dani to make sure she made it home safely. As he was waiting for her to answer the phone, he put an ice pack on his hand since it was starting to swell.

***Phone Conversation***

"What's up Clyde"!

(laughing) "What's up Bonnie"!

(laughing) "Just for tonight. The one at your house is actually more let me change that, very much more notorious and ruthless than me".


"Yep, but I don't know what happened with her with this nigga Ian. I guess cause she was in some love and shit".

(laughing) "Dani, you crazy! You ok? Have you made it home yet"?

"Oh yeah! I'm ok. That nigga had it coming to him. I bet he won't call her again with that bullshit. We left some memories on his brain. And yes, a bitch has made it home and took my shower. I'm about to lay my ass down"!

"Thank you so much for your help tonight. I just wanted to teach that bitch ass nigga a lesson".

"Awww. No need for the thanks. I have never liked him and only tolerated him because of Fatima. And, I must say you cool as fuck Zac. I really like you! Me and you will become the best of friends. Maybe even my brother-in-law (laughing)"!

"I agree Dani. I fucks with you too"!

"Thank you. I appreciate it. Is she up"?

"Nah, she's sleep. I'll talk to her in the morning. We leave for our trip tomorrow".

"Oh really!! Where ya'll going on your trip"?

"Yeah, she needs some rest. Doctors orders.'s a surprise. I'm sure she will call you and let you know".

"I'm so sure she will. She betta call me or that's her ass".

"Dani, you mad funny yo. I'm going to let you go so you can get your ass in the bed".

"Aight Zac! Later".


***End Phone Conversation***

Zac cut the lights off and put on the alarm. He was walking back to his room when he checked on Fatima again. She was still sleep and he was glad that she was getting some rest. He closed the door to her room but left it cracked a little. He went and took a shower to try and drown his thoughts of the previous events.

"Fuck it! I had to do what I had to do", Zac thought.

He got out the shower, put on his pj's, and got in the bed.

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