Chapter 9: Fatima's World

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Fatima focused on finishing disassembling the camera and getting her things together to leave the conference room after watching Zac pass the window. She went back to her office to prepare to leave for the day. She walked to the front to leave and stopped to talk to Angela.

"Hey girl. I'm getting ready to head out of here".

""You leaving kind of early today".

"Yeah, I have some video I need to look through and analyze. I'm just moving my work to my home".

"Ohhhhh. I thought you were rushing out of here to meet with that fine football client you helping Andi with".

"No Angela and stop being messy. Plus you know I got a man".

"Mmm hmmmm".

"Don't go there. I'm leaving".

"See you tomorrow".

Fatima left and walked to the garage parking lot to get in her car. She looked at her phone to see if she had any messages from him. She hadn't talked to her man all day. She started the car and headed home.

Fatima walked into a quiet house. She took off her shoes and put down her bags by the door. It felt good to be home (see below).

 It felt good to be home (see below)

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She went upstairs to take a shower. She came out, got comfortable in some tights and a big shirt. She was going in the kitchen to get her something to eat when she saw her man looking in the refrigerator.

"I didn't know you had made it Ian".

"Yeah, I just got here. I was just looking for something to eat. I thought you would have cooked".

"Well, I just got here and I am tired. I thought maybe you would have stopped and picked up something to eat".

"I don't know why you thought that because first I would have called you to see if I needed to. I get tired of eating take out all the time so I thought for once you would cook. I'll just go get me something".

"Oh, you just going to get YOU something"?

"Yeah, you could have stopped and got you something since you knew that you wasn't going to cook".

"That's real fucked up Ian. I would never do you like that".

Ian got his keys off the island and headed toward the door.

"Bitch ass"! Fatima said angrily.

She didn't know why Ian could be such an asshole. He wasn't this cold hearted at the beginning of their relationship. Since he started his own business, he has been more cocky and uncaring. He acts like he is owed something.

Fatima wanted something light to eat since it was late. She decided on doing a Doordash and get a burrito bowl from Chipotle. After making her order, she went to the theatre room to go through some of the video she recorded earlier at the office while waiting for it to arrive.

First up, Mr. Zachary Taylor. Fatima started his video and started her note taking. She got about 12 mins into the video when the doorbell rung. She looked at her phone and saw her DoorDash order had arrived. Fatima went and got her order and went back to the theatre room to eat. While watching the video, she caught herself smiling.

"So this nigga got you smiling"?

"Ian, what are you talking about?"

"I was walking in here to apologize for my behavior earlier today, but I see you smiling all hard while looking at this nigga video".

"Well why didn't you apologize instead of watching me. And I smile because I like smiling. It's you that seem to be having a problem with it".

"You know what Fatima, fuck the apology that you were getting from me. You don't appreciate a good man like me". Ian said while turning around to walk back out of the theatre room.

Fatima ran up the theatre stair in front of Ian to stop him. While pointing her finger in his face Fatima said....

"No fuck you Ian and that sorry as apology you was gonna try to give. You don't deserve a good woman like me, but I keep staying with your stupid ass".

Ian was sooo pissed and angry with Fatima that he pushed her to the side to move her out the way. Fatima lost her balance off the stair.


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