Chapter 3: Inconceivable

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Zac was awakened by the buzzing of his phone from texts and ringing from phone calls. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in the bed to try and get himself together. That's when he heard hard knocks at his door. "Who the hell is this knocking on my door like this?" Zac said as he got up to answer the door.

"What the fuck Taylor? Do you see this shit happening? This fucking shit is bad"! These were questions being asked by Zac's agent, Chance as he walked through the door. Chance Jordan (CJ for short), was his name and he has been Zac's agent since he started professional football. Zac loved his loyalty to him and trusted him a lot.

"What are you talking about? What shit is bad?" Zac said confused.

CJ went and got the remote and turned on the tv. This was the biggest breaking news story and Zac was smack in the center of it. Zac covered his mouth in shock as he heard the breaking news.

"Browns wide receiver Zachary Taylor has been accused of non-consensual sexual conduct of a sportscaster. The name of the accuser is being withheld for protection at this time. There has also been no response from Taylor at this time. We will keep you updated on this developing story".

Zac felt like his soul had left his body and he could not have heard what he heard. He looked at CJ confused as if why and how could this have happened. He sat down on the couch in disbelief trying to take it all in. Suddenly, Zac flipped over the living room table, started flipping over chairs, and throwing things around the room.

Zaccccccccccccc!!!! CJ said with his whole chest.

CJ calling Zac's name like that caused him to calm down and snap back into reality. Zac had never heard CJ call him by his first name so he knew that it was serious.

"CJ, you betta find out who this bitch is that has accused me of raping her! And you betta find out quickly!" Zac said through clinched teeth. His blood was boiling and he wanted to fuck some shit up.

"Copy! I'm on it! You know I always got your back! I'm going to see what I can find out and then I'm coming straight back here. Don't answer any phone calls and don't leave the house. I am the only one you talk to because this shit is BEYOND bad".

Zac was so pissed off, he gave CJ the "if you don't get the fuck out my house look" with no response. When CJ saw that look and noticed the redness in Zac's eyes from crying, he knew he needed to get out of there quickly and get Zac some answers. Zac turned and looked out the window as he heard the door open and close.

Zac went to get his phone because the first person he wanted to call was his mom.

***Phone Conversation ***

"Hey my son."

"Hey mama.

"Sounds like you been crying. I can hear it in your voice".

"Yeah, I have, because I'm upset and you know how I get when I'm upset."

"Yes, I do, but I need you to come down and don't make any emotional decisions that will get you into more trouble".

"Yes ma'am.

"I seen the news and my phone has been ringing all morning. I was waiting on you to call me because I knew that you would. Who would do such a cruel thing to you baby"? Gladys said softly.

"I'm not sure mama. CJ just left and trying to get more details for me. I talk to a lot of females mama. There have also been times where I have been so drunk that I can't remember the end of the night. I just can't believe this is happening to me mama".

"I know baby and God knows. We don't know why this is happening to you and at this time, but best believe God has got it under control. I know you wouldn't do anything like that because I raised you better. I want you to lean on God like never before. You keep praying and trusting in him. Me and the church is going to join you in prayer too."

Hearing his mama say those words made Zac feel better. His mom always knew what to say. She was right, God does have everything in control and he knew that God has his back.

"Thank you so much mama! Talking to you always make me feel better. If anyone calls you don't say anything and just hang up the phone. If anyone knocks on the door don't open it. I love you!"

"Ok. I won't do any of that baby and I love you more! Talk to you later".

***End Conversation***

Zac hung up the phone with his mama and looked at all the missed calls and text messages he received. He was going to follow what CJ said and decided not to respond to anyone until he heard back from CJ. He couldn't eat right now so he decided to go down to his gym (see below) and release some of his frustrations.

Zac turned on some Lil Wayne and started hitting the punching bag hard

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Zac turned on some Lil Wayne and started hitting the punching bag hard. Lil Wayne's music always put him in a "go-getter" mood. He had worked up quite a sweat. While he was going upstairs to get some water, he heard his doorbell ring. Zac went to the door.

"Yeah! Who dat?"


Zac opened the door and let CJ in.

"So what's up? What you find out?" Zac and CJ walked over to kitchen area and sat at the counter.

"I wasn't able to find out a lot because they would only give the information to one of the parties involved or the lawyer of a party".

"Well you told me not to leave out the house and a don't have a lawyer".

"Hold on. Let me make a phone call".

Zac continued sitting at the counter drinking his water while CJ made the phone. He looked around at his house where he spazzed out and decided he will clean it up  later. He had other things to be concerned about right now. CJ walked back over to Zac and handed him the phone. Zac put the phone up to his ear.


"Hi. I'm Andrea Barnes".

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