Chapter 13: Let the Healing Begin

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With Angela yelling Dani's name, it woke up Fatima. She sat up slowly on the couch and looked towards the front door to see the two hugging. Angela moved to the side to let Dani in. She saw Fatima sitting on the couch so she started walking towards her. Once she saw Fatima's face she dropped her purse and tried to compose herself.


Dani said while pacing the floor. Angela decided to have a seat because she knew this was going to be good. Dani don't play about her friends.

"Dani, please calm down and stop pacing".

"Yeah, Tima. Show her what else".


"Angelaaaa"!!! Can you please let me handle this"?

Angela threw up her hands to let Fatima handle it in telling the story to Dani.

"Dani, please sit down and let me explain".

"Nah, I need to keep standing in case I black out and need to get to my car in a hurry to fuck a nigga up"!

"Ok. Well be still so I can talk to you. You moving around is going to make my head hurt".

Dani stopped moving and folded her arms so Fatima could tell her the story.

"Ok. Ian and I got into an argument because he was upset that I didn't cook or had picked up food when he got home on yesterday. He left and I ordered food for myself. I was sitting in the theater room trying to watch my video recordings from that day and he walked in accusing me of something I wasn't doing. I was talking to him and he tried to walk out. So, I stood on the stair in front of him to keep him from leaving and he pushed me to the side to move me. I'm guessing I hit my face and side on the rail and it left these bruises. When I woke up he was gone".

Dani looked at Fatima with cold eyes.

"I'm going to try and stay calm when I ask you this. Now, you said bruises. That has an "s" at the end. I see the small swelling on the side of your face. Don't know if it was bigger, but where is the other one"?

Tima lifted her shirt and tears started falling from Dani's eyes. Then Dani got her purse and suddenly went in Angela's kitchen to get her meat cleaver knife.

"I need to dismember a motherfucker"! Fatima and Angela heard Dani say.

Angela and Fatima jumped up to go after Dani and stop her. Fatima was in a lot of pain, but she didn't care because she needed to stop her friend from leaving out that door. Fatima went and stood by the front door while Angela chased Dani to the kitchen. Angela was too slow and Danni was headed for the front door when she saw Fatima. Seeing Fatima's face from crying and her being in pain made Dani stop. Angela took the knife out of Dani's hand and Dani just hugged Fatima. They both cried. Then Angela came and hugged both of them and they all cried. Angela broke the hug and spoke.

"Ok. Let's pull it together so we can finish".

"Finish what?" Dani said.

Fatima talked as she was going to sit back down.

"Oh, I had called you over to see if you could help Angela take my things out of our cars and upstairs to the room she is letting me stay in until I find me a place".

Angela made Fatima another ice pack and Fatima placed it on her side.

"Sure, I'll help. You just sit right there and Angela and I got it".

"Thank you so much friend. I really appreciate you guys. I'm going to sit right here and not move".

Angela and Dani moved all of Fatima's things in Angela's extra bedroom. The pain in Fatima's side was subsiding so she took the ice pack off. Her not moving so much was actually helping. Angela and Dani came back downstairs and sat in the living room with Fatima.

"So, when you going to the doctor to get that looked at"? Dani said.

"I told her she needed to go and I would take her, but she said no. She wanted to see how she felt tomorrow".

"Well, I'm going to tell you this Missy Pooh", Dani said while pointing her finger at Fatima.

"If you don't go to the hospital tomorrow, I am going to come and drag you out and take you myself. Hurt and all. Do you hear me"?

"I hear you Dani".

"Ok. I'm going to head on home, cause a bitch almost went to prison today"!

Dani gave Fatima a kiss on the forehead. Angela walked Dani to the door. As Dani gave Angela a hug and kiss on the cheek she told Angela "girl call me if you need me"!

"I will"

Angela watched Dani get in her car and drive off before closing the door. She walked back in the living room with Fatima.

"That was crazyyyyy! said Angela.

"Yeah it was, but she means well. If we would have let her out of this house, she would have definitely killed him".

"Yeah, I know. You hungry"?

"Nah, I'm good. I don't have much of an appetite right now".

Well come on so I can help you get in the shower upstairs and in the bed".

Angela helped Fatima up the stairs and in the bathroom. Fatima took her shower and got in the bed.

"You need anything? You comfortable?"

"I'm good and yes I am very comfortable".

"Ok. I'm going to leave my door cracked and you holler my name if you need anything."

"I will and Angela. THANK YOU"!

"You're welcome girl. I told you that I got you".

Angela cracked Fatima's door and went across the hall to her room.

"You always do", Fatima said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

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