Chapter 16: UH Cleveland Medical Center

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Zac walked in the room and stood by Fatima.

"How you feeling"?

"I'm ok I guess. Just a little nervous".

"It's ok. I'm right here".

Just then a nurse and doctor came into Fatima's room.

"Hi, Ms. Wilson, my name is Dr. Anderson and this is nurse Angie. We will be conducting your care while you are with us".

"Hi. Nice to meet you. This is Zac".

"Nice to meet you", Zac said while shaking the doctor's hand.

"Ms. Wilson, I was looking over your chart and I see that you came in for two bruises that were caused by a fall".

"Yes, that is correct".

"And you're not a victim of domestic abuse".

"No, I'm not".

"Ok. I need to take a look at this bruising on your left side".

The doctor untied one side of Fatima's hospital gown and looked at the bruise.

"Ms. Wilson that is a nasty bruise. I am going to put in orders for you to get an x-ray for starters. Once I get those results back, I'll come back in and let you know how we will move forward. Right now what is your pain level on a scale from 1-10"?

"It's about an eleven".

"Ok. Nurse Angie will give you some pain medicine to help. When the pain start subsiding, that should help bring your blood pressure down since it's a little elevated. Nurse Angie should come and get you in about 3-5 minutes and take you to x-ray".

"Ok. Thank you". Fatima and Zac said together.

Doctor Anderson and Nurse Angie left out of the room. Zac noticed Fatima's nervousness. He put his hand on top of hers to keep her from fidgeting with her fingers.

"Sorry" Fatima told Zac while looking down at his hand on top of hers.

"It's going to be ok. Now that your stubborn ass is at the hospital, you will be well taken care of".

Zac and Fatima laughed and then looked up when they heard the door open.

"Ok Ms. Wilson. Let's take you up to x-ray". Angie said.

Zac helped Fatima out of the bed and into the wheelchair while Nurse Angie was locking the wheels so the wheelchair wouldn't move.

"You ok and comfortable", Nurse Angie asked Fatima.

"Yes, I'm fine".

"We'll be right back", Nurse Angie told Zac.

Zac flashed a smile to Fatima as to say everything is going to be okay. Fatima smiled back and her and the Nurse were out the door. Zac walked over to sit in the chair by the window and wait on Fatima to get back when his phone rung.

"Yo what's up? I did call you. I need you to take care of a little problem for me. His name is Ian, I-A-N. Stay put though while I try and get some more information. Then I will give you the go on what to do next".

Zac hung up the phone and laid his head back in the chair.

"How could this nigga do that to her"?

Zac closed his eyes for a little bit and then was awakened when he heard the door open.

"Ahh, you're back". Zac said smiling.

Fatima smiled back as the nurse helped her get back in the bed.

"How is your pain Ms. Wilson"? Nurse Angie asked.

"It's tolerable".

"Would you like some more pain medicine"?

"Not right now".

"Ok. Let me know before it gets unbearable".

"I definitely will".

Nurse Angie left out the door and Zac pulled the chair he was sitting in next to Fatima's bed. He turned on the tv.

"What you want to look at"?

"It doesn't matter. My mind isn't too much on that right now".

"You worried about the x-ray"?

"Yeah, I am".

"I promise it's going to be ok. And....when you get out of here, I am going to take you someplace where it's quiet. You can work on continuing to look at your video footage and enjoy the view. I won't bother you one bit unless you need my expertise".

Fatima laughed at that last statement Zac made because she knew that his only expertise was in football.

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to take me anywhere special. I can finish my work at Angela's".

Just then, Doctor Anderson walked in the door and Zac put the tv on mute so him and Fatima could hear what the doctor is going to say.

"Hi. Ms. Wilson. How you feeling?"

"My pain in tolerable, but I more concerned on what you getting ready to tell me".

"Well, these are your x-rays".

Doctor Anderson walked over to the screen to put the x-rays on there so Fatima and Zac could get a better look at them.

"According to this x-ray, you don't have any damage to any internal organs. There is also no fractured ribs, which is good considering the way you fell. However, you do have two bruised ribs, which was causing your shallow breathing. Healing will take from 4 to 6 weeks. I am going to prescribe some pain medicine and restrict your activities. I want you to get plenty of rest. I want you to put an ice pack on your bruise for 15 mins and off 15 minutes as needed. If the pain is not easing in a couple of weeks, please give me a call. Do you have any questions on what I just told you"?

"No, I don't".

"Ok. Nurse Angie will be in with your discharge papers. We have already sent your prescription to the pharmacy you listed on your paperwork".

"Ok. Thank you so much Dr. Anderson. Have a great day".

"Thank you Ms. Wilson and you too. Take care of yourself".

Doctor Anderson took the x-rays from the screen and left out the room. Fatima looked at Zac.

"Well, you heard what the doctor said. He said to get plenty of rest and he is restricting your activities. With that being said...looks like you are going to have to take me up on my offer for taking you away from here for awhile", said Zac.

"Okayyyyy Zac. You're not going to stop, so looks like I am. Where are you taking me"?

"It's a surprise".

Fatima chuckled lightly and looked down at her phone since it was ringing. She looked at the screen and quickly turned her phone over where she couldn't see the screen anymore.

"Who is that?"


"Well seems like nobody is really trying to get in touch with you".

Fatima just looked at Zac. Then Nurse Angie came in with Fatima's discharge papers. She explained everything that she had given Fatima and asked again if she had any questions.

"Can you just help me to the restroom please before I leave?"

"Yes ma'am".

"While Nurse Angie helped Fatima to the restroom, Zac was getting Fatima's things together to take to his car. Her phone rung again. Zac looked at the screen.

"No this motherfucker didn't"!

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