Chapter 19: She Needs Me

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Zac walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell. Angela opened the door.

"What's up Zac? Come on in".

"What's up Angela"? Zac said as he walked in the house.

Angela closed the door and invited Zac to have a seat in the living room.

"So you letting Fatima stay at your house the whole time while she recovers"?

"I'm actually taking her on a trip tomorrow for  two weeks right now, but if she wants to stay longer, I will oblige".

"Where you taking her"?

"It's a surprise. I'm sure she will call and tell you when we get there. But, believe me when I say she will be at such peace and will get plenty of relaxation".

"Zac, why are you doing all of this for Fatima? Are you just liking or lusting over her? What is your alternative motive"?

"Hold up and calm down Angela! Why does there have to be an alternative motive for me doing something nice for Fatima? Why can't it be that I'm just a nice guy and trying to show her there are still some nice guys in the world that don't just want a woman for their body? As her friend, don't you think she deserves someone to treat her nice"?

"I do believe that and as her friend, I have to protect her at all costs".

"I understand that and well I can protect her now. We are friends that are just getting to know each other better. I can reassure you that I won't do anything to hurt her or put her in danger".

"Ok Zac. I'm going to trust your word right now".

"Speaking of trust, how you feel about that nigga Ian"?

"He was good to Tima when they first started, but started changing after he got his business started. Right now, me and Dani want to kill his motherfuckin ass, but of course Tima wants us to leave it alone".

"Dani, who is Dani"?

"Dani is our other friend that has a zero tolerance personality, especially when it comes to her friends. She will fight, cut, and shoot anybody and wouldn't give a damn in the end".

"Sounds like I need to meet her. Can you give me her phone number"?

"I can call her and ask if it's ok to give you her number".

"Ok. Let me know. Well, I need to get back to Fatima with her food and medicine. Where is the stuff she needs for work"?

"It's over there in the corner".


Zac went and got Fatima's briefcase and the small box of tapes that were the recordings. He dapped Angela up and headed towards the door.

"Thank you Angela for letting me come get this stuff".

Zac was about to walk out of the door when
Angela stopped him.

"Zac! Thank you for taking care of my girl. I really appreciate it because she hasn't had that before".

"You're welcome Angela. It makes me happy to do it. Real talk".

Zac walked to his car and Angela closed the door. Zac put Fatima's things in the back seat and got in. He started the car and thought about the statement Angela made as to Fatima not having someone to care for her the way he has been caring for her. He just shook his head and made the call to The Centro since it was down the street from Angela's house. He ordered both of them the chicken parmesan with mashed potatoes and seared asparagus and drove to the restaurant.

Fatima had been looking at tv for over an hour when her pain started to get a little intense. She called Zac to see if he was on the way back with her prescription.

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