Chapter 20: Taking Care of Business

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Zac hung up the phone and walked back into the house. He locked the patio door and went to sit back down with Fatima.

"You make your phone calls"?

"Yeah, I did. I need the address to your house to send to my brother so he can meet me there to get your stuff. He has a moving business".

"Ok. I can pay him for doing that for me".

"Fatimaaa. No need to do that. I already took care of it".


"Why you calling my name like that? You know I'm not going to argue with you. Might as well let that conversation go".

"But, I don't want you to think that I need you for anything or feel obligated that I owe you something for doing this for me".

"Fatima, it's not like that and I am not that type of person. My mama raised me right and I am just a nice guy. How about that, huh? I haven't tried to do anything or say anything inappropriate to you since I have been with you today. Nothing but respect. So why would you think that I am going to feel obligated that you owe me something"?

Zac looked at Fatima and she could see the hurt in his eyes.

"But, I'm going to excuse myself right now because I need to meet my brother at your house. You want me to help you back in the room or you going to sit in here longer"?

"I'm going to sit here a little longer and if I go in the room, I'll just take my time and go slowly".

"Ok. I'm out. Text me the address".

Fatima watched Zac walk out the door and pushed the button to open the garage. She heard his car start up then the garage door was closing. She started feeling bad for what she said to Zac and shouldn't have made assumptions about him. She needed to call him, but decided to just talk to him face-to-face. Instead, she just texted him the address.

Zac had just got to the end of his street when his phone lit up from receiving a text.

***Text Message***
140 Cedar Avenue
***End Text***

He sent the address to his brother and texted Dani to let her know he was on his way. He didn't like what Fatima just said to him right now, but he will address it with her tomorrow. He had other things he needed to take care of right now.

He pulled up to the address and saw Dani standing by her car. Zac noticed it was a nice and quiet neighborhood. After parking his car, he walked up to Dani.

"Hi, you're Dani right"?

"Oh shit. You Zac"!

They both laughed and hugged.

"Damnnnn you fine, sexy, and handsome, Dani said while looking Zac up and down"

Zac laughed, "You're beautiful yourself. I see why all of ya'll are friends. Just beautiful all around".

"Why thank you sir", Dani said while smiling hard.

"So which one is it"?

"It's that one right there with the big potted plant in the front".

"Ok. I got my brother and my boys coming to move her things out. They'll be here by 7:45. I wanted us to get here before them so we can send this nigga a message in person".

Zac and Dani were walking across the street to up to the house when Dani's phone rung. Zac looked at Dani to silence her phone.

"It's Fatima".

"Don't answer it. She don't need to know we together".

Dani put her phone on do not disturb. They walked up to the door and Zac knocked.

"Fatima this betta be your ass coming to get your shit"!! Ian said as he swung open the door.

"Who the fuck are ya'll"?

"Don't worry about all that. You said for Fatima to bring her ass right? So she brought two asses! Now what"?, said Zac

Ian tried to hurry up and close the door and Zac and Dani's faces. Dani put her foot in the wedge of the door and Zac pushed it open.

Zac and Dani walked in the door as Ian was walking backwards and fell back on the couch.

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