Chapter 24: Just Beautiful

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As they were driving, Fatima was looking at the beautiful scenery along the way.

"Zac this is so beautiful. I'm already feeling a calmness".

"I'm glad that you are already feeling calm and before this trip is over, I would like for you to be completely relaxed".

The driver finally got Zac and Fatima to their destination. The driver opened the door and Zac helped Fatima get out of the SUV. Fatima could not believe the scenery. It was so surreal. It was like the sky and the ground were one (see below).

The air was so crisp and clean

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The air was so crisp and clean. Zac paid the driver and got their bags.

"You ready to go inside"?

"Yes! I can't wait to see the inside"!

Zac walked with the bags to the front door and Fatima followed. He put in the code on the front door pad that CJ had texted him and opened the door to let Fatima go in first. He followed her in with the bags and closed the door.

"Zac!!! OMG!!! This is soo beautiful"!!!

"Yeah! I've only seen it in pictures and always wanted to come visit. I'm glad that I am able to finally share this experience with you".

"Thank you for inviting me. This is wonderful".

Zac and Fatima had a staring at each other moment while smiling. Zac had to break that stare because the way Fatima was looking at him made him start feeling some type of way. A catching feelings type of way.

"Well let's take a look around", Zac said.

"So, I can tell that we are in the living room area" (see below).

"So, I can tell that we are in the living room area" (see below)

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"You think, Fatima said (both laughing).

"That patio and scenery is breathtaking. I can see us sitting out there a couple of days", said Zac.

"Oh most definitely. Without question. Let's see what's over here"?

They walked down the hallway on the right side of the house and noticed this room to the left.

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