Chapter 22: Healing and Moving Forward

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Zac turned over and woke up to the smell of food being cooked. He started smiling knowing Fatima was in there cooking. He sat up slowly rubbing his eyes while taking in the sun as it shined through his window. He got himself together and went to go use the bathroom. After washing his hands, he went and joined Fatima in the kitchen. Leaning against the counter behind her he spoke.

"Good morning", Zac said.

"Good morning. How are you"?

"I'm good. How are you"?

"I'm better. Thank you for asking. I didn't hear you come in last night. What time did you get here"?

"I got here a little before midnight. I checked on you when I came in and you were sleeping good, so I didn't want to wake you", Zac said while getting the apple and orange juice out the refrigerator.

"Oh. Yeah I must have been really tired".

"All of your stuff is out of Ian's house. My brother still has it in the truck and will meet me at the storage down the street this morning". Zac said as he was taking the juice to put on the table. He came back and stood behind her.

"Awww. Thank you some much Zac. I really appreciate it", Fatima said while turning around and giving him a hug.

She turned back around and finished fixing the eggs.

"Breakfast is almost ready. You want to get the plates and cups"?

Zac was just still standing there behind her because the hug she just gave him was so sincere and made him feel good. He snapped out of it when she was asking him to get the plates and cups.

"Oh, yeah sure. I can get the plates and cups".

Zac got the plates down and placed them next to Fatima to put the food on. He took the cups and put them on the table next to the juice.

"What kind of juice do you want"?

"Apple is good for me".

"Ok. I'm going to pour me some orange so I can get my vitamin c in".

Zac poured the juices and went to put them back in the refrigerator. He went back and stood by Fatima as she was putting the breakfast sandwiches on the plates (see below)

 He went back and stood by Fatima as she was putting the breakfast sandwiches on the plates (see below)

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"Damnnnn, it looks so perfect and pretty that I don't want to eat it. It should be in a magazine or something"!

(both of them laughing) Shut up and go put them on the table!

Zac went and placed the plates on the table. He wanted to sit closer to Fatima because it was more personable and he wanted to talk to her about last night before he left to get her stuff.

Fatima was cutting the stove off and placing the dishes in the sink. She was getting ready to wash them before Zac stopped her.

"Fatima, leave those alone. You already cooked the food. I'll wash them when we finish eating. Come have a seat".

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