Chapter 6: Fear of the Unknown

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Zac saw in big red letters the words "HE DID IT!" spray painted all over the back windows of his deck. He immediately got his phone out and called the police. While waiting for the police, he called Fatima to let her know what happened.

"Hi. You've reached the desk of Fatima Wilson. I'm unable to answer your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will return your call. Have a great day!!!

"Hi Ms. Wilson. This is Mr. Taylor. Please call me back as soon as you get this message". It's urgent"!

As soon as Zac hung up the phone he heard knocking at his door.

Knock, knock, knock......""Cleveland Police"!!!

Zac went and opened the door to let the police in.

"Are you 'Mr. Taylor"?

"Yes, I'm Mr. Taylor. Please come in".

"Thank you for coming officers. I called you because my home has been vandalized and I would like to file a report".

"Can you please show us where this happened"?

Zac led the police to his deck and patio area.

"Thank you Mr. Taylor. We will get started on your report. Please stay close in case we need to ask you some questions".

"Yes, sir".

Zac's phone started ringing and when he looked, he noticed it was Fatima. Zac started walking toward the living to answer the call.

"Hi Ms. Wilson. Thank you so much for calling me back".

"Hi Mr. Taylor. What's going on"?

"When I got home from our meeting, I walked in to my house being vandalized".


"Yes, there are big red letters spray painted across the back of my patio/deck area windows saying "he did it". I've called the police and they are here now".

"I'm glad that you called me and good that you called the police. Do you think your accuser did it"?

"I don't think she did because she hasn't ever been to my house".

"Well, Mr. Taylor, that doesn't mean that she can't find out that information. Addresses are not exactly private anymore. Do you know if anyone else that would want to do this to you since you don't believe that she has done this?

"No, I don't have many friends and that many enemies as I know of".

"Do you or your neighbors have cameras around their home"?

"I do have cameras around my house, but I'm not sure about my neighbors".

"Ok. Take pictures of your windows and we will look at them on Wednesday. Let me handle the rest. I need to look into some things. Is it possible that you can come in earlier than 10:45, so we can discuss next steps"?

"Yes, I can. Whatever you need me to do".

"Ok. Let's meet at 10:00. I can send someone over to clean your windows for you. Don't forget to take pictures".

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to go through the trouble to send someone over. I can clean it off and I got you on the taking pictures".

"It is no problem Mr. Taylor, I promise you".

"I'm good, but thank you".

"Ok. If you insist. See you on Wednesday at 10:00 sharp".


They both said their goodbyes and Zac went outside by the windows to talk to the police.

"Mr. Taylor, somebody is definitely trying to send out a message".

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