Chapter 18: Next Steps

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While Zac was gone to do some things for her, Fatima checked her phone for any messages and missed calls.

"Why the fuck did Ian call me for a second time? And he left a voicemail this time. This was when I was leaving the hospital. Zac didn't tell me I had any missed calls. Should I call him back? Nope. I'm not calling him back.

These are all thoughts that were going through Fatima's head. She then decided to call Angela.

***Phone Conversation ***


"Hey girl".

"Fatima heyyyyy. How you feeling"?

"The pain isn't as crucial as it was before I went. The pain medicine has definitely kept it at a minimum".

"That's real good. What the doctor say"?

"He said that I don't have any broken ribs, but I do have 2 bruised ribs which were causing my shallow breathing. He prescribed me some pain medicine and Zac is going to pick that up for me now. I have to be on rest and restricted activities from 4-6 weeks".

"Oh wow. I was so glad when Zac called me from the hospital and told me he made you go. I was concerned girl".

"Yeah, he did and wasn't taking no for an answer. He stayed with me the whole time and now I'm at his house. He said he is taking me on a trip tomorrow so I can get some real rest, but won't tell me where he taking me. Once I find out I'm going to send you my location in case he try to pull something".

"Girl, that man not going to do nothing to you. I think his feelings are a little deeper than just attorney and client. That man is going out of his way to make sure you are taken care of. I don't think any other client would have done what he doing".

"Angela, first of all, I'm not his attorney. Andi is his attorney. I'm just helping out and second, I just think he has a big heart. Plus, he just wants to make sure I'm well enough to start on information for his case".

"Whatever Fatima! You keep on thinking what you thinking. I'm just going to sit here and mind my business" (both laughing).

"Zac should be on his way over there to get the stuff I left from work".

"Yeah, he called and told me he was on his way not too long ago, but speaking of left. When are you going to get the stuff you left at Ian's house"?

"I really forgot about it with me going to the hospital. He did call me twice and the second time he left a voicemail, but I hadn't checked it yet. Maybe that's why he was calling"?

"Maybe so. I think you should check it just in case so you can get your big things out his house. You don't want him to do any damage to them".

"True. I'll check it and then I need to call Andi and update her".

"Good idea and don't forget to send me your location. Have fun on your trip. Like have A LOT of fun on your trip", Angela said laughing.

"Angela, shut up. I'm going to send it and we are just building a friendship. Your mind always goes there. I'll talk to you later".

***End Conversation ***

Fatima hung up the phone. She wasn't sure she wanted to listen to his voicemail since it might be some bullshit. She decided to go ahead and check it.

Yeah it's me. You just tried to scare me with that police shit so you could move all of your stuff out. However, I see you left your big shit with sticky notes on it. I'm going to spare you since I was in the wrong for what I did and give you until tonight to come get the rest of your shit out of my house!!!! I don't care what time it is!! If not, you won't have any shit left to come get!!! Bring your ass Fatima!!! Now!!!!

The voicemail ended and Fatima just put her phone face down in her lap.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to that voicemail. Now I need to see what to do to get my things out of there".

She put those thoughts on the back burner for now and called Andi.

***Phone Conversation***
"Hey Fatima! What's going on? I haven't talked to you in a bit".

"Hey Andi! Yeah, my apologies. A lot has happened and I need to fill you in".

"Ohhh ok (hesitantly). You have me a little scared".

"No reason to be scared. I finished all the video interviews so far of the players that was with Zac. However, I must tell you that I had an incident that happened at my house that caused me to have to go to the hospital. I will be fine, I just have to rest and restrict my activities for 4-6 weeks. I need to take some of my vacation time and go away for a little just to clear my mind about everything that has happened. I am going to look at some of the videos while I'm on vacation".

"Fatimaaa!! OMG! It's okay if you don't want to go into specific details right now, but you must give me the full story when we are both back in the office. Yes, take your time off to rest and get yourself better. I'm glad you were able to finish the interviews, but I don't want you to make it a necessity to review them while you are out. I can always push the date back for medical reasons. Just keep your doctor's note. I'm sorry that has happened to you my friend, but I'm glad that you are on the mend".

"How is the your case going"? , Fatima asked Andi.

"You know I can't talk much about it, but it's making me pull out ALL what I learned in law school (both laugh). Sooo....I do have one question".


"So, when you get on a first name basis with Mr. Taylor"?

"Don't go there Andi (laughing). He told me to call him Zac when I was doing the interviews and I told him to call me Fatima".

"Mmmhmmm! I'm going to keep my eye on this and let it play out. Well, I love you friend and we will talk later".

"Love you too Andi and yes we will".

They both hung up the phone and Fatima was relieved that Andi was so understanding. She put her phone on the bed and focused on watching television all the while thinking on how she was going to get her things out of Ian's house.

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