Chapter 15: Had To Do It❤️

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Fatima knew that she didn't just hear who it was on the other side of that door. How did Zac even know that she was there?

"Shit"! she said lowly. Then he knocked again.

"Fatima, I know you in there. Please open the door. I need to talk to you".

Fatima hesitantly opened the door to let Zac in. He was wondering why she was standing behind the door. When she closed the door she walked to the kitchen keeping her face turned toward the wall.

"My apologies for coming over unannounced, but I really needed to talk to you".

"Talk to me about what Zac"?

"Can you please look at me when you are talking"?

Fatima didn't want Zac to see her face let alone know about her bruises. She was about to turn to him when the sharpest pain she ever felt hit her side. She was about to collapse to the floor, but Zac ran over and caught her. He picked her up and carried her to lay on the couch. He saw the tears falling from her eyes and noticed the bruise on her face. He then raised her shirt to see why Fatima was holding her side. Zac grabbed his mouth in shock as to what he saw.

"Fatima, what the fuck happened"!

"Zac please"!

"Please my ass. I'm finna take you to the hospital. Where are your shoes?"

"Zacccccc!!! I don't need to go to the hospital! I'll be fine"!!!!

"Fatimaaa, if I have to carry you out this house myself, I will. I am taking you to the hospital and I don't want to hear another word. Now, I'm not going to ask you again! Where are your shoes"?

"By the door", Fatima said faintly.

Zac went to get Fatima's slides by the door and brought them to her to put on. He got her purse from off the chair and picked her up to take her to the car. Once he got her close to the car, he placed her lightly on the ground and helped her get in. She gave him the keys to go lock the front door. He put on her seatbelt for her and closed the door. After locking the door, Zac got in and they headed to the hospital.

Zac pulled up to the emergency front door at UH Cleveland Medical Center. When he got to the nurse desk, he told them he needed a wheelchair. A nurse got a wheelchair and followed Zac to the car.  He opened the door and picked Fatima up to put her in the wheelchair.

Then she grabbed his wrist, "You not leaving me are you"?

"No, I'm going to go park the car and come back in. You not getting rid of me that easily"!

Fatima smiled and let go of his wrist and the nurse took her inside. Zac ran and got in the drivers side so he could go park in the nearby garage.

The nurse took Fatima to the waiting area until she went and got the paperwork she needed to fill out.

"Here is the paperwork you need to fill out. They will call you for triage shortly".

"Thank you so much".

As Fatima had started filling out the paperwork, she felt Zac sit next to her in the waiting area. He noticed how she would periodically stop writing because she would get a pain.

"You need me to help you"?

"Thank you, but I got it".

Zac sat back in his chair and picked up a magazine that he saw on the nearby table. Fatima finished filling out her paperwork.

"Can you take this back up to the desk for me"?


Zac took the clipboard back with the paperwork and sat back down in the waiting area next to Fatima.

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