Chapter 17: Road to Recovery

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Zac took out his phone to take a picture of Fatima's phone. He took a picture of the phone number of who was calling. He put her phone back in her purse just as she was coming out the restroom.

"Heyyyyy. You ready"? Zac asked Fatima


The nurse pulled the wheelchair around so Fatima can sit in it. Zac opened the door for the nurse to roll Fatima to the elevator. They all got on the elevator and went to the ground floor. The nurse waited with Fatima at the front door while Zac went and got the car.

"He seems like a really great friend Ms. Wilson",

"Yes, he is better than I expected".

"I didn't want to mention anything, but I don't think that he did that to that lady".

Fatima just smiled because she couldn't discuss the case with anyone but Zac.

While Zac was getting the car, he made a phone call.

***Phone Conversation ***

"What's up? Did you just get that picture that I sent you?"

"I did get it. Whose phone number is this?" the voice on the other line said.

"This is that nigga Ian's phone number! I got it when he was calling Fatima for the second time since we been here. Get the information I need and I'll touch back base with ya".


***End Conversation ***

Zac then pulled up to the front door and Nurse Angie wheeled her out. Zac opened the door and helped Fatima slowly get in the car. Zac thanked the nurse for all of her help, got in the car, and drove off.

"Thank you so much for being there with me. I really appreciate it", said Fatima.

"You're welcome. It was no problem at all. I'm glad I was able to be there".

"Ummmm, where you going. This is not the way to Angela's house".

"I know it's not. I'm taking you to my house so that I can keep an eye on you", Zac said with some sternness.

"Ohhhh noooo!!! That would NOT be a good look. A lawyer's assistant staying in the client's home".

"It will only be for a day at the most. I am almost finished planning your relaxation trip that I'm taking you on".

"Okay, okay. You going to work my nerves until I agree".

Zac flashed his little smirk and continued driving to his house. Zac pulled in the garage of his house (see below).

"Let me take your things in and then I'm going to come back out and help you"

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"Let me take your things in and then I'm going to come back out and help you".

"I can go slow and get out so you don't have to come back and get me".

Zac gave Fatima a look.

"Sorry. I'll sit right here and wait for you to come back out".

Zac grabbed Fatima's purse and went to open the door. He turned off the alarm and placed her purse on the couch. He pushed the button to let the garage door down on his way back out to get her. As he opened the door, he noticed how she was sitting there smiling.

"I got you smiling like that"?

"Shut up and help me out".

Zac reached in the car and picked Fatima up. Fatima helped push the car door closed.

"Heyyyyyy!! You are not suppose to twist your body like that. I was going to close the door".

"I was just trying to help you. Dang"!

"Well, I appreciate it, but I got this".

Fatima threw her hands up in the air.

Zac had left the garage door into the house cracked so he just kicked it open to carry her in. He took her to the guest bedroom and placed her on the bed.

"Thank you so much Zac. I really appreciate everything you are doing for me".

"You're welcome again. I'm glad you allowing me to help you, with your stubborn ass".

They both laughed, but Zac could tell by the look on her face that it hurt when Fatima was laughing. It reminded him that he needed to go get her prescription.

"I need to go get your prescription. You need anything right now"?

"If you don't mind, can you go by Angela's and get the stuff from work, so I can work on it a little bit"?

"Sure, but I really think you should rest at least today and try to do a little bit at a time. I'll even be nice and let you take it on our trip since we leave tomorrow".

Fatima rolled her eyes at Zac. "Let me? Oh ok", she thought.

"Before I leave, did you want to sit in the chair or did you want to lay down until I got back"?

"I can sit in the chair until you get back. Can you hand me the remote and my purse so I can get my phone"?

Zac handed Fatima the remote and went and got her purse from off the couch. He then was headed out the door, but turned around and came back in the room.

"I'm going to stop and get dinner. You have an idea what you want to eat"?

"I'm not really hungry".

"Fatima, you have to eat. I'm going to pick you up something. No excuses".

"You really like to act like you running something huh"?

Zac laughed and said, "I so love this right now! I'll be back"!

Zac then left and went to run his errands. He picked up Fatima's prescription and decided to head to Angela's house to get her things from work. He'll pick up the food last so it would be hot when he got back home to Fatima. He made a phone call to Angela.

***Phone Conversation***

"What's up Angela. This is Zac".

"What's up Zac"?

"I was wondering if you were home so I can come by to get the things Fatima have over there for work"?

"Ummm, why are coming to get Fatima's things? Is she ok"?

"Yeah, she fine. I took her home to my house from the hospital. Now are you home"?

"Yeah, I'm here. We'll talk more when you get here".


As soon as Zac hung up the phone with Angela, his phone rung.

"Yo, what you got"?

"Yeah, that number is registered to that nigga Ian. I got what you need".

"Ok. Let's keep our conversation short. Let's meet at the spot tomorrow before I leave out of town".

Zac hung up the phone and pulled up in front of Angela's house.

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