Chapter 23: Wheels Up

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Zac and Fatima pulled up to Angela's house. Fatima noticed it was dark inside and assumed Angela wasn't home. She had already opened the door and was getting out when Zac got around to her side of the car. He finished helping her get out and they walked up to Angela's front door. Fatima used her key to go in.

"Let me get the light".

"Ok. I got the door".

Fatima turned on the light and was going upstairs to pack her clothes.

"You need help up the stairs"?

"Thank you. I got it".

"Ok. I'll just sit down here. Let me know when you finish. I'll come get your suitcase because you don't need to be carrying it".

"Yes sir. Can I at least ask how long we going to be gone"?

"2 weeks".

"Really! You taking me away for 2 whole weeks"!

"Yep! I'm making sure you are going to get some rest"!

"So what kind of clothes should I pack"?

"Some jeans, shirts, a light sweater or jacket, and a big coat".

"Oh wow! That says a lot Zac (both laughing).

Fatima was finishing up packing when she started thinking about how awesome Zac has been treating her. Ian never treated her that way and she had to admit that she was enjoying how Zac was so attentive to her.

"Zac! My bags are ready"!, she yelled from upstairs.

"Bagssss? Hmmm! I'm scared to see how many you got"!

Fatima laughed. "Just come get the bags"!

Zac walked up the stairs and noticed Fatima only had 3 bags.

"Whatttttttt?!?! Only 3"? (with a surprised look)

(laughing) Yes Zac!

Zac got Fatima's bags and went to put them in the car. He came back in and stood at the door as Fatima was writing a note to Angela.

Hey Angela. I came to pack some of my clothes for the trip with Zac. I am going to send you my location before we board the plane. And I will call you when we land so you can hear my voice. Be good while I'm gone please lol. Love you girl and talk to you later. Love Tima (heart)
***End Note***

Fatima placed the note on the counter and
noticed Zac was standing at the door.

"I'm ready. I just left Angela a note".

Zac shook his head ok and opened the door for them to leave. He went and opened her door to the car as she was locking the door to Angela's house. Fatima took her time and walked to get in the car.

"Thank you".

Zac closed the door and got in on his side. He started the car and headed to his house. Once there, he helped Fatima out of the car and they went in the house so Zac could pack. While Zac was packing, Fatima sent a text to Andi.

***Text Conversation***
Hey Andi. How you doing girl? I know you going to need a small vacation after this trial lol. I was checking in and letting you know that I am leaving today for two weeks for relaxation and recuperation. I will call you when I land. Love you girl (heart)
***End Text***

"I'm almost through packing", Fatima heard Zac yell from his bedroom.

"Oh really"?!

"Oh yeah! It didn't take me as long (laughing).

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