2- After We Meet

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I don't know what I expected, but his reaction was evidently not it.

He doesn't scream in pain as he pulls it out but instead inspects the knife before turning to me.

He whistles in surprise. "I didn't expect you to use it right away, but here's a tip, darling, aim for the heart next time. It won't kill, but it'll certainly buy you some time to run," he winks.

Any color left in my face drains away. How did that happen? Is this possible?

"Now it's my turn," he declares, pinning me to the tree with his hands on either side. Face to face, I'm confronted with his malicious grin once again. He's taller, leaner, and stronger. I could never outrun him. The darkness in his eyes, devoid of any compassion, slowly morphs into something terrifying. The veins around his eyes and on his temple darken, and a pair of fangs emerge in his mouth.

He pulls my hand from behind me and forces me to look at him. "I'll have to thank him for making me wait."

I'm petrified by the scene. I can't believe my eyes. I'm convinced this must be a nightmare, or perhaps I've been sent to hell for not saving her. Yes, this is hell. There's no other explanation. However, all the questions and uncertainty vanish when I realize what he's doing.

As our eyes lock, each holding opposing emotions, he lifts my right hand to his lips. He savors the scent of my wrist, then, without permission, he does what he promised.

Pain ripples through my body, and I hear myself scream in agony. He groans in contentment. As if he's the one in pain, he pulls away. "Oh, heavens! You taste better than I thought you would."

My arm throbs with pain, and my knees finally give out. What kind of sinister game is this?

"I can't get enough. It's killing me not to kill you now. But the more I wait, the better it tastes."

"Please don't," I plead for the first time.

"That's what I was waiting for. Beg for your life, and I promise I'll consider it."

I sense the lie in his response, but I can't help myself from crying again.

"Look at me!" He lifts my face again. The way he holds me, I'm sure I already have marks and bruises.

I sob into his hand, "What are you?"

"A gift from nature," he replies, pulling my head to the side to access my jugular vein.

When his fangs sink into my skin, I scream in fear, pain, and supplication. The pain is a thousand times worse than before. Gradually, my body starts to give in as my soul sinks into the void. Pain turns into numbness, and slowly his voice fades to nothing. I finally find the peace and silence I've been longing for.

The air is filled with a blend of distinctive floral scents; gardenias, lilies, jasmine, and freesia. The view from my seat is spectacular. I smile in joy as the sun caresses my bare shoulders and exposed legs. I'm dressed in a pair of short cotton pants, a white blouse, and a giant hat.

I push back the chair and start towards the steps where the breathtaking garden begins. The more I try to see the end of it, the further it extends. It gives me an odd sense of tranquility. With delicate hands and a smile on my face, I lean down to smell the first flower that catches my eye.

"It's a peony," she says.

I don't look away. In some corner of my mind, I recognize her. "It's so beautiful."

"It smells as it looks."

I hum in agreement then turn to the voice.

The girl is dressed exactly like me. She's holding a basket full of white roses and red sunflowers. "Isn't this a beautiful place?"

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