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The quaint town lies hushed under a cerulean sky. Its cobblestone streets, usually bustling, now echo with solitude. A woman, her basket brimming with fresh produce, pauses to acknowledge my presence. Beside her stands a man, burdened by luggage, yet his eyes crinkle into a warm smile. Together, they continue their journey, leaving me intrigued.

I follow their lead, drawn toward the heart of the town where life stirs. The air hums with anticipation—the Seasonal Festival is imminent. Suddenly, joy bubbles within me, like a hidden spring awakening. I weave through the stalls graced with wildflowers, each petal and leaf a testament to nature's resilience. The bloom, fragile yet determined, defy the odds. Perhaps they share lineage with the delicate flowers Xavier once gifted me— the one that took days to die.

"Is there something I can assist you with?" A voice emerges from behind a wooden partition.

I shake my head, my gaze lingering on the half-finished stalls. The unexpected encounter with Gina and Samantha surprises me. They approach, the baby cocooned in a blanket, cheeks flushed like ripe tomatoes.

"Leizabeth?" Samantha's eyes widen. "What brings you here before the festival?"

"Surprised to see you both," I reply. "I didn't expect our paths to intersect."

Gina chuckles. "We're seasoned festival-goers, my dear. We relish the chaos—the before and after. It's our natural habitat."

I join their laughter. "I share your curiosity. And yes, I care about these moments."

Samantha nods. "We're leaving soon. The castle trail grows misty as evening descends. Do you want to join us back?"

"I just arrived. Thank you," I say, watching them melt into the crowd. The town transforms, even in its unfinished state. Beauty thrives here, whether in the petals of a flower or the laughter of friends. Before dusk stretches its golden fingers, I turn homeward.

The tension coils around my shoulders as the thick fog envelops the trail. Despite my certainty about the correct path, fear gnaws at me—I can barely see a few meters ahead. Urgency pushes me to spur the horse forward, but even the steed hesitates, sensing the treacherous veil that shrouds our way. Nightfall looms under the canopy of ancient trees, hastening its descent.

Suddenly, the distant clip-clop of hooves slices through the mist. I halt, guiding the horse behind a colossal oak. 

"I can hear her," a voice calls out. Xavier's voice. My heart leaps—always him, the one who finds me. The horse moves of its own accord, carrying me toward him. Relief washes over me as he emerges, flanked by fellow soldiers. A smile tugs at my lips; Xavier's presence is my sanctuary.

"Samantha mentioned you were in town," he says, concern etching his features.

I close my eyes, exhaling the weight of uncertainty.

"I worried," Xavier admits as we approach the castle. Thoughts of Aldaire flicker—a mentor who would scold before comforting. But Xavier? Feelings for him unfurl effortlessly.

Superior Jonathan's words echo: not anger, but fear. Survival or destiny's cruel end?

At the stables, Himley awaits—a sense of déjà vu. It's as if I've circled back to my first arrival.

"What possessed you?" Himley's incredulous gaze pins me. "Didn't Samantha warn about the fog?"

"She did." I meet her stare, unyielding.

Xavier leans closer. "Are you all right?"

How do I confess my terror of death? The thought churns my insides. My legs wobble, thoughts fractured.

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