33- Home

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The library's hushed ambiance wraps around me like a familiar cloak. I'm here to assist Julie, but my real quest lies elsewhere—buried in the dusty pages of history books. Yet, despite my diligent search, answers elude me. Was last night a mere dream? The memory of Cecile's visit. I can't afford to lose my sanity over it; I need clarity.

And then, like a magnetic force, he enters. Xavier. His presence reverberates through the room, drawing my gaze. It's as if we share an invisible thread, connecting us across space and time. When his eyes meet mine, recognition flares—a secret language spoken without words.

Descending the ladder, I observe him engrossed in conversation with Julie. Their laughter dances in the air, but my attention remains fixed on Xavier. His ease, his charm—it's second nature to him. How many other women has he ensnared with that smile? I wonder, even as my heart flutters like a trapped bird.

"I hope you haven't been waiting here for long," I say, my smile a fragile mask. Xavier's presence ignites a thousand sparks within me. Being near him feels like coming home after a lifetime of wandering.

"I promise I just came in." His reply is casual, effortless. I wonder how many encounters he's orchestrated with other women. Does he carry their secrets too, hidden beneath that princely facade?

Beside Julie, I catch a glimpse of her realization. She knows something. Soon, everyone will. My name will be whispered in corridors, embroidered with curiosity and judgment. Aldaire and I's relationship will be put to question.

"So, you aren't coming for lunch with me?" Julie's asks. Ironic because we've never shared meals.

"Prince Xavier and I have important matters," I reply, my grin masking the turmoil within. I turn to him, my pulse quickening. "Shall we leave?"

His arm extends, a lifeline into the unknown. We step out, leaving the safety of the library behind. Xavier's gaze pins me, and I'm caught off guard. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" His words ignite a blush, and I tread carefully. After this morning with Aldaire, I don't want to lead him the wrong way.

"Yes, you have," I murmur, my voice barely audible. 

Xavier's honesty is both refreshing and treacherous. "Pardon me for being straightforward." As we walk, I wonder if this fragile dance can withstand the weight of our desires.

His audacity doesn't offend me; it intrigues me. Xavier's next move is a puzzle I'm eager to solve. "You shouldn't be," I reply, my voice laced with curiosity. "I like men who know what they want."

His chuckle is a soft melody as we continue toward the dining room. But when I realize his intention, I hesitate. The walls seem thinner, and voices seep through—different tones, different lives. My gaze flits to Xavier, then to the room beyond. My stomach twists. The council congregates there, and Aldaire's presence looms like a shadow. He despises my proximity to Xavier, even though we're not bound by any formal ties. Guilt gnaws at me.

"We're not joining them," Xavier reassures, sensing my unease. "It's merely the shorter route to our destination. And we need to allow them to see before anyone rumors."

Yet, as we walk past the crowded room, Xavier acknowledges each council member. His charisma forces me to do the same, and I cling to his arm, curtseying briefly. I want this moment over, the scrutiny to end.

The table awaits—a gathering of power, secrets, and alliances. All members are present, including Aldaire's enemy, whose daughter happens to be his lover. Gina and Samantha chat animatedly, while Leo sits beside Himley.

Aldaire lifts his glass to salute me, and my anger flares. Stefani, his lover, sits beside him. We kissed this morning, yet here we are, entangled with different partners.

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