11- Recognition

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My gaze is riveted to the expanding bloodstain on the pristine mantle. The surrounding commotion fades as memories of my own tears in a secluded room flood my vision. A sudden weight descends on my chest, my throat tightening with unshed sorrow.

"Leizabeth," Emma's voice jolts me from my reverie.

I meet her gaze, shaken. Aldaire has Stefani pinned against the wall, his eyes ablaze with fury. I shut my eyes, the image of my assailant too fresh, too raw. I dare not look at her, for it stirs a newfound fear within me.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to." The council members sit in amused silence, seemingly entertained by the unfolding drama. It's as if such spectacles are commonplace for them.

"This is my favorite dress," Stefani protests.

"You don't have a favorite anything," Himley retorts.

"I do today, yes."

Xavier leans back, stating the obvious. "She didn't ruin it."

"I think we should make our exit." Emma glances at Stefani, who remains incensed.

Silently, Emma and I retreat from the room. The memory is fresh, teetering on the edge of my consciousness like a coveted prize. I cling to it, driven by a desire to understand more.

"I think it's best if we lay low for a while." She pauses, studying me. If she notices the emptiness within me, she doesn't show it. "Stefani's love has never waned. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you to face her."

I hum in response, her words swirling meaninglessly in my mind. I just need to understand why I was crying. Why was it so hard to remember? The need to suppress it is maddening.

"Are you okay? You look-- shocked."

"I am fine. Thank you for suggesting we leave. I needed this."

After a moment of silence, she speaks again. "Did you know that they were once a couple?"

"They were?" Himley had hinted at Stefani's infatuation with Aldaire. Why would she conceal such a thing?

"Before Cecile, yes. Perhaps he didn't think it was significant, so he didn't mention it."

Perhaps. Or... I shake my head, dismissing the thought.

She fidgets with her fingers. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's okay. He's choosing me now, that's what matters, right?"

She nods. "Please tell me you'll be there tonight."


"My bridal shower, of course."

"Are you serious?" I can't help but laugh.

"Yes. I really like you and as a friend, I'd love for you to join us."

I scrunch up my nose. Aldaire did mention that I could meet Anastasia tonight, but if Stefani is there, she might tear me to shreds. Not that he'd care if I were to perish.

"It's a bride's request. You have to come."

"I'll think about it."

"You'll be alone tonight. The men will be with Tristan," she points out.

So they'll also have their own space.

Though I'd relish some solitude, Aldaire only gave me thirty days to prove my worth. "She despises me. If we're in the same room, she'll..."

She laughs. "Stefani might have a fiery temper, but she's quick to forgive. Trust me. She's not as terrible as you think."

Well, however Himley had portrayed her, she didn't seem pleasant. And she had just proved that.

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