9- Wrecked

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He brandishes the lock in his hand. "Look what you made me do."

I fail to grasp his meaning until my gaze falls upon the door. Shocked, I utter, "I am sorry. I didn't-"

"What are you doing here? Begone!"

"No, please! I cannot go out."

Ignoring my plea, he seizes my arm, intent on casting me from his chamber. I crumble to my knees, weeping for the compassion he clearly lacks. "Aldaire, no, please don't. He's here. I am scared."

"You cannot dwell in the castle. That was the pact."

"He will slay me."

"And what makes you think I won't?"

"Then kill me!" I hear myself declare. I am cognizant that this is the second, perhaps the third time, that I have made such a request.

He halts to regard me.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I swallow hard and repeat, "Slay me. I can meet death with joy if I know it is by your hand."

In response to my plea, he laughs. "You don't know what you desire. Besides, you are of no use to me if you are dead."

"Don't send me out. He is here for me and if I die, I won't be of use."

He shakes his head. "He resides here, that's why."

I recoil from his grasp.

"I can't endure this. I take everything back. I cannot remain here. Something is wrong." Everything is wrong. "I am petrified of this place. I don't want to be alone," I confess once more.

He sighs, his gaze wandering everywhere but me.

"Do it," I sob, trembling. "Fulfill your promise."

He massages his temples with one hand. "I'd love to...trust me, I'd love to. I nearly did it while you slept but I need you for this. This might be my last chance to get him so no, you cannot die. He won't kill you. Perhaps make you suffer a little but not kill you. Not until he has made me suffer, or so he thinks. He truly believes I am fond of you."

I collapse to the stone floor, shattered. How am I to handle all of this? It is nearly impossible for me to accept what I have witnessed firsthand. I know I've vowed to be brave but there is no point in staying alive. I can't remember a thing and as far as this can get, I have no way out.

"Don't force me to do this," he shakes his head, seeing that I remain motionless. We hold eye contact, daring.

But where am I to go? Himley has something against me, obviously, and I know no one here. Not that I feel safe with Aldaire but he needs me for this and there is no way he'd hurt me. At least not yet. And if he did, I am certain he'll make it swift.

Conceding, I close my eyes in dread. When I turn around I bump into Stefani. Her fingers are brushing each other as she stares at Aldaire. She is smiling, malice unmistakable.

She walks around me toward Aldaire.

"Is this a lovers quarrel?"

"What do you think?" he adds sarcastically.

"Are you here to persuade him into actually marrying you?" 

What? No! I could never marry someone like him. 

"Wait, don't answer that. You weren't hiding her here, were you, Aldaire?" She glances up at him, her voice merely a whisper. Her lips curve in sadness and her eyes foam with hurt.

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