5- Awake

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Voices buzz around like a swarm of bees at a honey festival, even before my eyes flutter open. It's a bit of a quest, but eventually, I decipher their chatter. Aldaire's voice stands out. Memories tumble into place. I spring upright, oblivious to my surroundings.

"Behold, the maiden stirs," a voice proclaims.

My gaze zeroes in on the source of the sound. They all sit as still as statues in a museum, staring right back at me. I'm not sure if I'm the odd one out or if it's them. They form an arc on the balcony of the room, studying me in silence. What kind of situation have I stumbled into?

"Well-timed. We are pleased to have you fully present, Leizabeth," the same voice continues. Now I see who's speaking. He wears a grin that sends shivers down my spine. His court coat is too formal for my taste, and the golden buttons glimmer in the light. There's another man dressed similarly, and I assume they're the leaders of the council.

"Where am I?" I rub my temple.

"It's your trial."

Fear grips me like a dragon's claw. "My trial? For what?" I figured I'd be in a dungeon by now, scheming my escape from some unholy pact. Nobody mentioned a trial.

"Because you're an exiler, gallivanting around our lands. Though I must admit, I'm not entirely convinced. Did Aldaire bring you as his bride?" another man pipes up. 

He looks young, probably in his thirties. His voice is persuasive that he makes me want to submit.

Bride? Trial? "What are you on about? I barely know these people. They just happened to stumble upon me during my travels." 

He chuckles. "How serendipitous!"

Aldaire chimes in. "Enough with your wild accusations! I'll own up to being a deserter, but I won't be held responsible for bringing an outsider. You tell me, don't you recognize her?"

The man's smile stretches wider. "Recognize her? Why would I?"

Yeah, why would he?

Aldaire slams his hand on the wooden barrier separating us. He clams up, whatever he wanted to say left unsaid. Himley tries to soothe him with a touch, but he shrugs her off.

The fearsome man turns to the girl sitting beside him. He nods along to her whispers, then addresses the rest of us. "Can anyone explain why she's wearing Cecile's cape?"

The room explodes into a cacophony of voices, making my head spin like a top. 

"I can return it." Before I can even twitch to remove the cape, Himley is at my side. She doesn't even give me time to blink.

"So, she is his lover," the woman beside the man declares, her voice bearing a striking resemblance to his.

"She isn't his lover...but she could be."

"Nonsense!" the girl sits upright, snarling at me. "A rogue turning into a princess?"

Himley raises her hand to the audience. When they all fall silent, she speaks again, "Let me unravel the tale, Stefani. On our journey here, we stumbled upon Leizabeth in Barracks territory, as you may already know. She has fled her pack to seek us out and warn us about the traitor lurking in our kingdom...," she scans the room, trying to convince everyone. Not that I'm privy to this story, but hell, even I'm starting to believe it.

"I hope everyone grasps this. A. Traitor. So Leizabeth approaches us for absolution. She has offered herself as a sacrifice to ensnare him. By now, everyone knows that Aldaire has returned and rumors abound that he has brought a lover to wed. We can exploit this to our advantage. Leizabeth hasn't seen the traitor but she assures us that he is infamous among the rogues and exilers under a discreet nom de guerre. So if it is true, he will feel threatened by the new bride my dear brother has brought and reveal himself. If not, I believe he will err on his path."

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