18- Torment

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In the solitude of the chamber, Aldaire and I are left to the mercy of a silence thick with unspoken words. I draw my knees to my chest, seeking solace on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he inquires, his voice a gentle rumble in the quietude.

Surprise flickers across my face. "I am surprised you are asking."

He settles beside me, a solemn figure. "I have to admit I was worried when I heard about the slaughter in the cottage. I thought you were dead."

"Would such a loss have thwarted your plans?" I challenge.

"Is that everything you think about? Do you think I don't have a heart?" His gaze pierces me, searching.

I am taken aback by the intensity of his stare.

With a swift motion, he clasps my hand, drawing me into his embrace. The contact I've longed for now envelops me, a shield against the shadows that linger.

"In spite of all, I am grateful," I confess, my voice barely above a whisper.

He sighs deeply, the sound resonating within his chest. "As am I."

Time stands still as we linger in the quiet comfort of each other's presence, no words needed.

"May we speak of another matter?" he finally breaks the silence, distancing himself to an arm's length. "Embrace Xavier no more."

Laughter escapes me. "Are you stricken with jealousy?" I tease, the heaviness of my heart lifting.

"Don't think much of it. You are a great friend, Leizabeth and I don't want anything to happen to you. Himley can feel your aura. She says you have a pure heart and I believe her. Both of you. We might have started on the wrong foot but I don't see my subjects as a strategy only. I could have killed you when I realized you lost the dagger but I feel you have more here than you lead us to know."

"Friends?" I echo, a hint of mockery in my tone.

"What else might I have declared?" he retorts.

"Well," I taunt, "you got to admit I am beautiful. A head-turner," I flutter my lashes.

His smile is a rare gift, stirring my heart. "You are quite an entertainer. If anyone sees you with Xavier, they are going to suspect. Keep such liaisons hidden."

"As you wish, my lord," I reply with a bow.

"Enough with the formalities," he chides.

"My apologies," I say, settling back, my mind awash with concern. Our alliance is new, fragile; I dare not risk its fracture. "So, the span to unveil the truth is shortened to twenty-five days?"

He nods solemnly. "A pact is a pact. A prince's feelings alter not his word."

Twenty-five days—a daunting timeline. "Then I must confess..."

He raises an eyebrow in anticipation.

"Last night, a man approached me," I begin, noting the flicker of displeasure in his eyes. "Not like that. I mean, he came to me when I walked outside. He asked for the dagger. By then I knew I was in trouble. Don't look at me like that. I thought you had it alright. But I didn't tell him that. There is more. Anastasia introduced me to Lavyrle and the man that attacked me is not the same. All this time we have been talking about different men."

"And you are telling me this now?"

"Because I wasn't sure I could trust you... nor Himley as a matter of fact. I swear they are conspiring together."

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