6- Choices

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"You aren't serious, are you?" I take a step back.

Himley laughs. "No, I am not. I merely wanted to see your reaction."

I glare at her. "It is not amusing."

She takes the liberty to saunter around, inspecting the place. "You will grow accustomed to it. If you think I am a little...obnoxious, wait until you meet my brother's humorous side. His jokes are not comical, but you will grow used to them. Oh, and you still have to meet Stefani. Have you realized how your life has changed?"

Not for the better. Besides, over my dead body if I get to spend time with Aldaire. "I am glad you brought that up. When did I become his lover? Have you been planning this all along?"

Himley removes her gloves and places them on the table. "My brother and Lavyrle have been adversaries for a great while now. We believe you work for him, so instead of slaying you, he wishes to use the same weapon against him."

"You believe I would work with someone...or something I despise?"

"You are working with us," she points out.

"Because I have no other choice."

"Humans always have a choice," she retorts too quickly.

"It took me but a short time to realize that not all humans dwelling here think the same way."

Himley's eyes flash with anger. "Listen, Leizabeth. I love my brother so dearly that I would turn against the world to protect him, and if using you means saving him, I will."

Fury surges through my body, followed by resignation. There is but one way to escape this place, and it means death. Perhaps, I'll never remember anything about my life, and that thought saddens me. The idea of not knowing who would mourn my demise makes my heart contract.

Completely ignoring my presence, Himley strides to a window on the far end and pushes it open. My eyes threaten to bulge out of my face. Right across from us is the most breathtaking view of the ocean and gray skies. I gasp in disbelief.

"Am I to reside here?" I grasp the billowing curtain to peek down.

The sounds of heavy metal clashing against each other reach my ears, followed by the voices of dueling soldiers.

"What is that?"

In response to my question, I turn my gaze back to her. She is staring down at the wooden table where the vase of flowers rests. Her long fingers brush the spot where her eyes are fixed, and in them, there is a deep pool of nostalgia.

"I've practically grown here in Barracks, Leizabeth," she says, "but since her death, it feels as though it's slowly falling apart. I cannot let that happen, and now that my brother is here, I am certain he will claim the place that is rightfully his."

I wait for her to continue, hoping to hear more about this great mystery, but she doesn't. As if a switch has been flipped within her, she smiles. 

"Remember that you are working for us, and the council shall never know that. Everything is to throw him off. We had to make it public for him to suspect less than he already does."

The chill breeze caresses my skin, whispering of the perils that lie ahead. 

"I seek something in return," I declare, stepping forward. "I want to know who I am. I crave the return of my memories and whatever sorcery you performed earlier, I wish for you to do it again."

Himley grins. "I am a healer and an aura perceiver. I do not practice telekinesis."

Bewildered, I glare at her.

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