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The truth weighs heavily upon me. The room, once majestic, now feels suffocating. Cecile's portrait gazes down, her eyes more golden than ever. How will I sleep tonight? Her betrayal surpasses even her previous transgressions—how could someone I considered family turn against me? It was an open secret, visible to all, yet ignored by everyone.

The fragile thread of her faith unravels today, revealing the mystery that has haunted us all. But the truth is inconceivable: Himley, of all people. If Aldaire discovers this, forgiveness will be impossible.

The door creaks open, but I remain seated. I can't rise to greet her. Her footsteps halt behind me, and she asks, "What could be more important than Aldaire now?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, tasting bitterness. Finally, I stand and turn to face her. The golden settee between us vanishes as our eyes lock.

"How could you do that to him?"

Her brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

I've cast a spell to ensure our words remain within these walls. "Cecile. It was you, wasn't it?"

Her silence confirms my suspicions. Perhaps she never expected exposure, or maybe she wondered why it took so long for someone to confront her.

"How do you know?" she finally asks.

Her lack of denial worsens the situation. "Who cares! You orchestrated this mess and let him shoulder the blame. You're a coward." I step back. "Stay away from me. It wasn't your decision to make. He suffered, blamed himself for her death, and you did nothing."

"I never wanted him to suffer. I wish I could ease his pain."

"There must have been another way. How can I look into his eyes and keep this secret?"

"It's my duty. As his older sister, I'll protect him. I won't let harm befall him."

"Your excuses won't suffice!" If she truly cared, why cause him pain? "He deserves to know, Himley. If you love him, he deserves the truth."



"Never! He can't find out. As a friend, I advise you to stay out of this."

I can't bear this burden. The truth must emerge, even if it jeopardizes my life.

"You're right. I won't tell him. You will."

"I won't listen. I won't lose my brother because of her."

"This secret could explode anytime. I didn't want to be involved, but now I have an obligation..."

Her hiss echoes, halting my steps.

"I'll ruin you, Leizabeth. You don't want this."

"Why did you do it, Himley?"

"It's none of your concern."

"If she was your friend, explain your actions. I have a right to know what kind of friend you are." Cecile wasn't a friend to either of us, nor family to Aldaire. Her sin is unforgivable.

"I might have to kill you if you know too much."

"Kill me? Did Cecile know something dangerous?"

"She was no innocent. You know nothing about her."

It is it the first time I hear this. "But tell me," I insist.

Himley relaxes surprisingly quickly and strides over to where I stand. She pours herself a cup of bourbon and settles onto the sofa, legs crossed.

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