12- Origin

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Despite the dawn's arrival, the men remain conspicuously absent. True, I've encountered one or two denizens of the palace, but none who pique my interest. An eerie quiet pervades the place, prompting me to pause and survey my surroundings. That familiar sensation of being pursued prickles at my senses. I refuse to lower my guard, even if it's Himley.

I brace myself for a confrontation, ready to demand she leave me be, but when I whirl around, the only presence is my own reflection in the pier glass. Baffled, I quicken my pace.

"You're still under the influence."

I startle, a hiccup escaping me. "Why did you do that?"

"Was there another way to approach you without inciting fear?" Xavier inquires.

Well, no. As long as one of his kind is near me, I am not safe. "But you didn't have to trail behind me. You should have announced your presence earlier."

He glances back. "Did I?"

It's unwise to engage him in public, considering his current demeanor. Or is he right? Am I hallucinating?

"Where is Aldaire?"

"I grew bored, so I returned ahead of schedule. Did you enjoy the festivities?"

I smile. Emma's happiness is all I desire. She is a beautiful soul, deserving of joy. "It was splendid!" I hiccup. The wine's effects are becoming apparent. "What about you? Hunting isn't your pastime?"

"I don't relish hunting my friend, which is a different matter."

I halt to regard him. Hunt Tristan?

"Tristan? Why would you do that?"

"What transpires during that ritual is confidential. But essentially, yes."

The notion is difficult to comprehend. I close my eyes, only to envision Tristan fleeing for his life, his screams echoing in my ears. Whatever he sees on my face elicits laughter from him.

"It's not as dire as you imagine. It's more like a game we partake in. I'm bound by an oath of secrecy, so I can't divulge more. But I hope that brings you some peace of mind. Besides, dhampyres are stronger than you think."

I resume my walk. Xavier trails silently behind, offering assistance only when necessary. For instance, when I descend the palace stairs. He exhibits patience, despite my attempts to test it.

"Why are you following me?" 

His presence irks me.

"I am free to roam anywhere within Barracks, am I not?"

"Aldaire will be displeased if he sees us together."

He grins, leaning in close to whisper in my ear. "Will he? Last time I checked, you two are merely playing a part."

I place a finger on his lips, acutely aware of our proximity yet taken aback by it all. "Don't utter such things. They can hear you."

"So it is true. I wasn't present that day, but Himley made sure to fill me in."

There's no need to persist with the charade, but if I concede too readily, I'm not fulfilling my role adequately. This is going to be challenging, especially given his annoying demeanor. "I don't know what you're talking about. Aldaire is a noble man."

"Then how do his lips taste?"

Hiccup! "That is none of your concern, sir."

"Why do you take offense? It was an innocent question."

"It was not! I am inebriated. Why are you pursuing me? And be honest this time. If you intend to kill me like the rest, I'll make things easier for you."

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