10- Aftermath

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In the aftermath of last night's events, I find myself at a loss for words. If he requires anything from me, he can dispatch a letter or a messenger. I am well aware of my duties and will relay any necessary information through Himley, but I have no desire to meet with him. I am consumed by a mix of anger and shame. How can I possibly face him?

"I wish to see no one. Inform him that if he requires anything, he can put it in writing." I take a sip of my drink and avert my gaze. I owe him no audience.

"But he has commanded your presence," she emphasizes.

I dismiss her words with a shrug before making my way to the bathroom. Where could the dagger be?

She doesn't press the issue, instead she assists me with the hearth and the bath. We fill the tub with fragrant petals and bars of scented soap.

"I don't think I'll be leaving this tub anytime soon. You can deliver the message to the prince."

If Cecile is responsible for this, she's finished. But why? What could she possibly gain from taking the dagger? Surely, she isn't in his employ? She is Aldaire's trusted confidante, and he wouldn't dare test my patience in such a manner. If this is some twisted game of his, he's finished as well. What have I done to deserve this?

I run my fingers over my skin, forcing myself to remember who I am. My attention is drawn to the bathroom door as it bursts open. I blow a bubble from my arm and hastily cover my exposed cleavage.

"Hey! What is wrong with you?"

"You made me trek all the way here, that's the problem."

"I didn't ask you to." He continues to stare at me. Are the petals providing enough coverage?

"I summoned you, and you sent a message with a maid?"

"Apologies, but wouldn't a lifeless body have been a more convenient acquisition?" I quip, my voice echoing in the stone chamber.

"This is not a time to play! We have a grand event to attend. My beloved," he pauses, his voice softening, "should be at my side."

"I recall your decree that I am not to set foot in the palace. I'll gather what information I can from the outside. You can wait, or you can end me."

He unsheathes his sword, the steel glinting menacingly in the dim light. My heart pounds in my chest as I instinctively draw back. Being slain in a bath was not part of my plans.

His laughter reverberates through the room. "Ah, I see now." He sheathes his blade, the metal scraping against the scabbard. "You're on a suicide mission. You're goading me into ending you. Is that why you were wandering alone last night?"

I was not alone. Besides, why should he care? 

"Well," I pour water over my arm, using the action as an excuse to look away, "What can I say? But you are fortunate I am still here, aren't I?"

"We have thirty days to resolve this, Leizabeth. That's all the time I'm giving you. If by then you are more of a burden than a help, I'll keep my promise."

Thirty days? Can I accomplish it in thirty days? Can I withstand this pressure on my chest?

I gaze at the petals floating on the water. "Will you help me recover my memory?" Because if not, what sense does it make to stay here? It would be easier to die knowing that there was no one to mourn my death.

"As I said before, I will enlist a witch to assist you with that. Don't attempt to find the answer yourself. Let me remind you that this is a dangerous world."

Yeah, yeah! I'm having a conversation with danger himself. "Alright then." But if I attract any menace which could possibly end my life, I won't resist it either.

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