25- Concern

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Aldaire, gallant and resolute, sweeps me away on his steed, the rhythmic hoofbeats echoing through the cobbled streets of our ancient palazzo. The sun, a golden orb, casts its benevolent gaze upon us, as if bestowing its favor upon our clandestine mission.

"The morse code," Aldaire's voice resonates, "how were you certain it would succeed?"

"By chance," I reply, my heart racing. "I acted swiftly, compelled by urgency."

"Is that all?" His eyes, the color of stormy seas, bore into mine.

"Is morse code not taught universally?" I counter, my fingers tracing the invisible dots and dashes that bridge our worlds.

"Alas," he sighs, "but not all remember to use it."

As we dismount at the stables, Stefani awaits. Her embrace tightens around Aldaire, and I avert my gaze, my loyalty warring with a newfound betrayal. A fire ignites within me, fueled by jealousy and a desperate longing to extinguish her existence.

Himley, steadfast and watchful, stands guard by the stable entrance. Her eyes, twin embers, meet mine. She ignores her brother and waits for me instead. She guides me up the winding stone staircase, her footsteps echoing the rhythm of my racing heart.

After my cleansing bath, Xavier awaits—a bastion of unwavering friendship. His touch, gentle yet firm, verifies my corporeal existence. 

"How are you?" he inquires, concern etching lines upon his noble features.

"Exhausted," I confess, my limbs heavy from the day's tumult. "I thought today was going to be a normal day."

Himley's grin is a sunbeam breaking through storm clouds. "Welcome to Barracks," she declares, her voice a lilting melody.

"The welcome is very heartwarming," I quip.

Xavier keeps me company. His loyalty is my sanctuary, a bulwark against the tempests that rage beyond our castle walls. As I sip from the chalice of cold water, Himley's gaze bores into me. Perched upon Aldaire's bed, she harbors secrets—perhaps more than I dare fathom.

"Is Hatti residing in the castle?" I ask.

"She departs this eve," Himley confirms, her eyes inscrutable.

"I resolve to find her before she vanishes into the night. For witnessing a murder and awakening amidst crimson pools are two different things."

"Anytime. Did the shapeshifter say something about Marissa and her husband? Why use them?" Himley says.

"Marissa didn't say much except for his real name being Agustus. He was from Loui. He also murdered her husband." 

I shake my head, the truth eluding me like a wisp of smoke in the moonlit courtyard. 

Her glance is the intensity of the glint of a sword blade. "From Loui, are you sure?" 

I shake my head in approval.

 "I'll be right back," Himley declares, her cloak swirling as she turns away.

"Where is Loui?" My brain struggles to place the name. It's as if the syllables have been etched into my memory, but their meaning remains elusive.

"Beyond the borders of civilization," Xavier replies, his voice a low murmur. "Their king, a rogue ruler, perpetually threatens our lands. Barracks, especially—the mines draw his covetous gaze."

A rogue king? The notion seems inconceivable. Why would he meddle in our affairs, especially with Agustus's demise? If I were him, I'd bide my time, watch from the shadows, and strike when least expected.

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