14- Hands

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On my doorstep, poised to knock, stands Stefani. Clad in a white dress, she could easily be mistaken for a bride.

"Good morning, your highness. How may I assist you?" I ponder whether it's prudent to invite her in, but decide against it. Instead, I step outside, closing the door behind me, and continue to smile at her.

"Are you interested in Aldaire?"

Taken aback, I scoff. "Excuse me, what?"

"Did Aldaire truly bring you with him? The superiors might have believed you, but I remain skeptical. I am merely concerned for him."

I can't help but smile. Are they courting? "Well, there is nothing to worry about. Besides, even if I were, my interests lie elsewhere." I attempt to stroll past her and end the conversation, but to my dismay, she matches my pace.

"I am glad we have agreed."

Agreed? Her statement leaves me bemused. Are all vampires this domineering?

"Would you be kind enough to join me for a walk?"

"I have an engagement at the moment."

"I don't think they'll mind if you are with me. I promise I won't take much of your time."

I find her presence unsettling. Aldaire's words echo in my mind. If I want to win this game, I need to understand the rules and strategies. I nod in response. Our walk is silent. I have much to say, but given the volatile nature of vampires, I choose to hold my tongue.

"Where are we heading to?" I ask, realizing that we are approaching an ancient stone edifice.

"I have heard from my maids that you are a bit," she scans me from head to toe, "peculiar."

The guards acknowledge our arrival and step aside at her signal.

"Peculiar?" I chuckle. "You have been spying on me and you call me peculiar?"

She smiles at my retort. "I wouldn't say I was spying, dear. Let's say that I was getting to know you."


"I am an extremely jealous woman, Leizabeth. I take what is mine very seriously. I detest scavengers and I abhor rogues especially. I tend to eliminate them without hesitation."

I roll my eyes inwardly. I have no interest in her man. Whether they are courting or not, their relationship is none of my concern.

"Let me show you why I am somewhat preoccupied with your presence. I mean, a human rogue can be harmless, or that's what I thought before I met you. You might not notice now because he is a complicated man, but you influence Aldaire."

I laugh again. As a matter of fact, I know that Aldaire finds me more of a nuisance than anything else. I am here to unmask Lavyrle, even if it costs me my life in the end, and he would not lift a finger to save me.

The walls narrow, the path lengthens, and the sight darkens. The torches on the wall provide inadequate light. We descend a set of stairs before taking a right turn. Three foreboding passageways present themselves; left, right, and center. The nauseating stench intensifies as we stand there, eyeing each other.

"Here," she extends a torch which I accept with a puzzled look.

"Would you rather be on my side or against me?"

My eyes flicker to her retreating silhouette. Being a few steps behind, I have the perfect excuse to study her. "What about we stay away from each other?" My voice breaks at the end.

I follow her reluctantly into the right passageway.

"Hmm, please take a look."

I trace her gaze, baffled by the engulfing darkness. Before us, nothing but a fortress of iron bars.

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