4- Run

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Upon being instructed to swap my fuzzy cape for one that Himley had conveniently brought (and miraculously in my size), we continue our journey. Aldaire, the man of fewer words than a mute monk, is eerily quiet. The silence is as uncomfortable. 

He commanded me to ride with Himley this time. 

As we approach the border, an impressive line of white trees stands guard on either side. They're so beautiful, I fear that blinking might cause them to vanish. Soon, the colossal walls that mark the boundary to another world loom into view. They're more massive than I imagined, their iron gates wide open as if to say, "Welcome, weary travelers, to a land of unknown adventures!"

Two guards materialize at the entrance, each donning a coat of plates and silver helmets that reveal only their faces. By their expressions, it's clear we're as unexpected as a dragon at a tea party. They bow in greeting, and the siblings return the gesture with a nod.

The Barracks begin after another mile of lush greenery. Perched behind Himley, I have the freedom to take in the sights. Atop the wall, men patrol, dressed similarly to the gate guards. As we delve deeper, they shrink to the size of ants.

Soon, houses start to dot the landscape.

"This is Barrack's first neighboring town, Siena," Himley announces.

I gawk in awe.

"We also have Dartmoor, Arundel, and Progue." She regales me with a brief history of each, adding that Barracks rules over all five kingdoms. And by kingdoms, she doesn't mean the neighboring towns. She's talking about actual castles with real kings and queens who must abide by their rules.

It's all a bit baffling at first. Barracks has an emperor's throne but no emperor. It's like having a feast with no food. Ministers, superiors, and recruits of princesses and princes from the other four kingdoms unite to guide the nation.

"Are you one of them?" I ask.

"Indeed. My pompous brother over there is also part of the council."

My gaze follows hers. Aldaire, oblivious to our chatter, surveys his surroundings with the air of a man born to rule.

By now, we're in the town center. The townsfolk gawk and bow, much like the guards did. Unlike Aldaire, who maintains his usual stern expression, Himley is all smiles, waving at the people like a queen at a parade.

"And why did they choose you? Are you a minister or something?"

She chuckles softly.

"I am Himley Ainsworth, princess of Vermont but currently residing in the castle of Barracks."

"Princess?" I gasp.

She nods.

"Princess?" I echo, my voice rising in disbelief. I've been gallivanting with royalty and treating them like common tavern folk?

"Princess?" I repeat, still grappling with the revelation. 

They mentioned living in a castle, but it never struck me that they might be throne-adjacent. To be honest, the whole castle situation didn't even register until now. I sneak a peek at Aldaire, who's now sporting a smirk that could rival the Cheshire Cat's.

"I wonder why you don't know us," she muses.

"I mean, I barely remember my own name. My mind is spinning faster than a miller's wheel. After everything you said, I couldn't pick up your hints if they were embroidered on a tapestry."

She halts the horse. "You have no memory?"

I pause to ponder. How far back can I recall? "I had an accident. And then there's this man who tried to kill me, but that's as far as my memory lane goes."

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