48- Among

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She pivots, her fingers deftly unbuttoning her blouse. "He confided in me. You threatened Stefani, didn't you? That's the most precious thing he possesses."

"But it wasn't a man who abducted me. The command originated from a woman."

Her expression tightens, eyes narrowing. "That changes everything, then. I suspected it was him."

"So you're uncertain?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

"What's obvious? What did Lavyrle do? Perhaps it was true once, but not anymore. It had to be Stefani. I can't fathom anyone else."

"That's a grave accusation. But considering how she resents you for possessing what she toiled years for..." Her words dissolve into a mumble as she undresses. "It's plausible."

My mind whirls. Without a word, I slip out and descend the corridor, determined to find Stefani. I must confront her.

I rely on intuition, tracing my steps to the library—Julie's forbidden territory. The faster I walk, the lengthier the hallway stretches. On the final turn, I glimpse Stefani retreating. I hesitate, debating whether to challenge her. As I gather courage, Aldaire emerges from the same room. Unaware of my presence, he strides in the direction Stefani came from.

Now it all clicks into place. What twisted game is this? Is this how he fights and reshapes destinies for me? Pathetic!

I chase after him, expecting answers. But when I arrive, I'm taken aback. A congregation forms in the middle of the hall. Everyone is present. Superior Maximillian addresses them. "...And the girl escaped. She's the sole one who might hold the secret to the missing stones."

My knees wobble, threatening to buckle beneath me. Aldaire spots my presence, his expression a canvas of confusion. "And the boy?" he inquires.

"Died," Lavyrle utters dryly, as if discussing the weather.

"You killed him?" Himley's voice trembles with disbelief.

"I granted him a proper burial. He obstructed our path."

Repulsion churns within me. A human life extinguished. A boy—what depths of darkness does Lavyrle harbor?

"We were tasked with bringing them in alive," a fellow member interjects.

"I assumed they perished in last night's inferno," another murmurs.

I stand there, a vessel for rage, flames licking at my insides. I am a ticking bomb, seconds away from detonation.

"Well, the other escaped. She may carry the stones to our enemies. I couldn't risk both fleeing." Lavyrle's words hang in the air, a sinister verdict.

Paralyzed, I gawk at the scene. This is my doing.


My reflection mocks me—hollow eyes, a stranger staring back. I no longer recognize myself. The path I tread is treacherous, and I teeter on the precipice of my own undoing. For all my aversion to their ways, I am about to commit the gravest act of my life.

Fear? No. Anger. Anger that I cannot properly rue my mistakes.

Eyes bore into me as I step into the courtroom. All the members assemble, Lavyrle wearing a smile like a serpent's. His disdain no longer stings; Stefani's betrayal eclipses it. I need her to witness my capacity before she tears something vital from me.

I settle into my seat, awaiting the trial's commencement. Evidence, elusive yet crucial, eludes us. Or so they believe. The secret is out—we accuse Lavyrle and everyone knows it.

"Leizabeth presents two pieces of evidence."

Aldaire and Himley exchange curious glances. Little do they know—I slipped my papers to Superior Maximillian last night. He assured me they would unmask the truth. The courtroom holds its breath, and destiny balances on a razor's edge. 

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