3- Right

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"Aldaire, halt!" commands Himley. In an instant, Aldaire's weight vanishes as if he's been hit by a wizard's spell.

Blinking my eyes open, I find Aldaire turned away, his fingers kneading his temples as if trying to ward off a pesky goblin headache. 

Himley drapes me in fur once more, as if I'm some damsel in distress.

"What are you?" I whisper, my voice barely louder than the rustling leaves. What kind of enchanted forest is this?

"He has sent her! He knows of my arrival."

"Who are you?" I retort, matching his tone.

Himley, however, pays no heed to our verbal jousting. "Is Lavyrle behind this? Did he send you to shadow us?"

"Who is Lavyrle?"

"Did he?"

"No. I don't know what you are talking about."

Aldaire groans. "She is a traitor to her kingdom. Naveit, mayhap. We must seek out her kin and all who hold her dear. We must slay them all, for such is the punishment."

"I swear to you. I have nothing to do with what you are talking about." 

My family? I know not who they are at this moment, but each word he utters feels like a knight's vow.

Himley and Aldaire exchange a look that lasts an eternity before turning to me. Their silent communication is as mysterious as a wizard's spell. I fear what they might have concocted.

"Let us make haste," he commands, striding towards his steed.

Himley follows without a word. I watch them depart, certain that accompanying them would be as wise as challenging a dragon to a duel. I am filled with questions, fears, and a lack of direction, yet I am resolved to stay put.

Without bidding, my feet start in the opposite direction. My heart pounds like a drummer at a feast.

"Where do you think you are going?" his voice trails after me.

I clear my throat. "Home, obviously."

"That is not the way," he adds.

I veer to the left, determined to continue my journey.

I can hear the amusement in his voice. He's toying with me. "That is not the way either."

I groan in exasperation. He's enjoying this as much as a jester at court. I turn back to my original path.

"You are under arrest, Leizabeth. You are in league with a traitor and you are going to aid us in his capture."

It takes me half a second to soak in his words. They didn't slay him! He will return for me.


"We saved your life," he points out, "now you owe us this."

"No, do not force me to do this. He is a...he is a..." I falter, unable to utter the word. A monster? A vampire? No, they are but myths.

Aldaire approaches me lento. Whatever his reason, he is determined to take me.

I pick up a pointed wooden stick and aim it at him, feeling like a peasant facing a knight.

Himley joins in. "This is Barracks territory, Leizabeth. Thou art wandering in the lands of the wealthiest without a mark. This alone is an act of transgression."

"I did not ask to be saved. You should have left me die and spared yourself this remorse."

"Our castle is not far away. We shall clean you, feed you, and propose a solution, or... we can seek your kin. Besides, night is falling and it will worsen as it draws near."

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