39- Beneath

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Tension simmers beneath the surface as the seasonal festival approaches, despite the track on the borders keeping everyone on edge. To my surprise, the event has not been canceled. Life goes on as if nothing significant is occurring.

No one seems afraid, or at least they aren't showing it. Not like Himley, who openly expresses her desire to join the army in response to her parents' involvement in the attack on the borders.

"I've already been ruined once. They can't do it again," she scoffs, recalling her transformation. Despite her protests, Leo remains steadfastly by her side, infuriating her further.

As the morning light spills through the window, I fix my smile and glance toward the door. Xavier and Samantha enter, their arrival casting a new glow. Samantha's rosy cheeks match her dress and the flowers adorning her hair. I'm captivated, unable to tear my gaze away.

Samantha addresses my unspoken concern about Aldaire's absence with a knowing glance, acknowledging the reason for my restlessness.

Turning my attention to Xavier, I ask casually, "It's the inauguration of the festival. Isn't the council supposed to be present?"

"It will be business as usual," Samantha replies casually. "But with you as his representative, a wedding may not be far off."

My heart recoils at the mere thought of a wedding. No, not for me. Not now.

Xavier's laughter erupts, catching me off guard. His relaxed demeanor and rugged handsomeness are a potent combination. It's not just my usual lustful gaze; this man genuinely captivates me. Perhaps Aldaire was merely a mirage, emotions playing tricks on my senses. Right now, it's Aldaire's delay that fuels my anger, more than his little white lie.

"I don't think I'll attend," I declare.

Samantha claps her hands, her eyes dancing. "You can't say no," she insists. Melissa and two other maids enter, laden with an array of clothes.

I have Xavier's gift in my wardrobe but I don't say anything. Xavier winks at me, and my cheeks flush crimson. He is so good at being a lover, my heart leaps to my throat.

"Thanks, but I don't need that," I assert. Samantha stares at me puzzled. "I mean it. I don't want to go."

Xavier steps closer, concern etching his features. "What's wrong? You were enthusiastic yesterday."

Perhaps I spoke too soon. I hide my hand beneath the folds of my cape. My nails darken, a sign of impending transformation. Again. "No. I have something else to attend to. But if the invitation extends to tonight, I'll consider going tonight instead."

Samantha's disappointment is palpable. "Are you sure?"

I hum in agreement.

"Then I suppose I'll alter the wardrobe," Samantha says, addressing the maids. Her tone shifts, and I don't appreciate how she directs herself to them.

As Samantha departs, Xavier studies me. "What happened?"

"Nothing," I reply, retreating to the window.

He follows, drawn to my side. When he realizes where my gaze lingers, his muscles tense.

"I'm furious with him," I confess. "I want to—"

Before I can finish, Xavier takes my hand. His lips curve into a smile, and his eyes lock onto mine. But my thoughts scatter. I can feel the darkness creeping up my arms, so I mumble words from Cecile's ancient grimoire. Untimely, he glances down at my hand, and panic surges. It's the first incantation I've attempted, and uncertainty gnaws at me. 

"Your hands are cold," Xavier observes, his touch lingering.

I pull away, panic surging. What could I say? That I'm under a spell? The truth seems too absurd.

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