49- Responsibility

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Himley screams in torment and charges towards them as Stefani pulls her hand, devoid of a heart.

"Aldaire," I mutter, unsure if he can hear me.

Himley holds Aldaire as he falls to the floor, but this doesn't deter Stefani. Her rage floods the chaotic room, and she takes hasty steps towards me. I struggle to reach for any remaining magic within me, but I am powerless, as empty as a hollow cave.

"You will not live," she declares between gritted teeth, holding me up by my throat.

Maximillian manages to find his way to us, separating Stefani from me. He effortlessly holds her by her collar and sits her down. I collapse to the floor, coughing and massaging my neck.

"Your father has caused enough damage." I've never seen him this angry before, not even last night when I handed him the papers.

"She is a liar. I know she planned all this."

I can't speak but only glare at her.

"Take him to the room beside the guillotine." Superior Jonathan adds. Lavyrle remains unmoving, and as they take him out, I notice he also has a dagger in his heart.

Stefani sobs, looking at the door that closes beside them.

As the news spreads throughout the kingdom, there is a sense of tension and anticipation in the air. News spreads like wildfire, letters exchanged between distant lands: Naveit, Yutres, Vermont, and Cormount. Barracks stirs, a hive of anticipation.

The day wears on, its weight unyielding. Aldaire and Himley remain elusive. I don't seek them though my concern for Aldaire tugs at my resolve, but what awaits me in his gaze? Questions, perhaps accusations.

He enters, closing the door behind him. I sit by the bed, arms wrapped around my knees. His voice cuts through the silence. "Why did you do it?"

"I thought you desired his demise," I reply, my own question veiled.

"It's not what I'm asking. What changed your mind? You had the damning papers, hesitating to wield them. What-changed-your-mind?"

Lies serve no purpose now. "He shouldn't have harmed those children. What fate awaits the girl without her brother?" Anger simmers within me. She'll live in perpetual flight, bereft and alone. If she even has parents left to mourn.

"You freed them. And you deemed it improper for us to know?"

"What's done is done, Your Highness. Aren't you relieved he no longer obstructs your path? Now you can ascend as emperor."

He scoffs, eyes meeting mine. "I don't want it."

"At this state, desire matters little. Responsibility beckons. If Sauron catches wind, Barracks stands vulnerable—an open invitation for attack." The weight of leadership settles upon him—an empire to safeguard, choices to make. 

"Superior Jonathan or Alexander will step up," He retorts and I roll my eyes. But the jubilation I anticipated eludes me. The void that gnawed at me after that fateful rescue still persists—an emptiness I can't fill.

"Have you seen Anastasia?" I inquire, seeking solace.

"She's in her room. Was she the one who delivered those papers?"

"She was."

"Then she foresaw this. Visit her. She may need your company."

"I will." Gratitude swells within me. "And how are you? Thank you for your valor out there."

"I healed. You wouldn't have." His presence beside me on the floor sends my heart aflutter. This connection—the very essence of my existence—anchors me.

Yet Stefani lingers, a specter. How do I reconcile longing with reality? He'll never be wholly mine.

I nestle my head against his chest, inhaling his comforting scent. He departs, leaving me to confront Anastasia. Melissa intercepts me, her pallor unsettling.

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