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The library beckons with the promise of hidden knowledge, its shelves overflowing with thick tomes brimming with secrets. The books are organized by color, size, and subject matter – a labyrinth of information on kingdoms, supernatural creatures, and years.

One particular book catches my eye, its pages whispering of a coven long forgotten. The story of Leisar's coven unfolds before me, revealing a tale of betrayal and curses. The ancient coven, once powerful and revered in Vermont, met its end when they turned on their leader. Now scattered and living in hiding, the former members of the coven navigate the dangerous waters of the vampire world, concealing their true identities to avoid retribution.

My mother, the leader, had no name in the books. Their actions were told in different versions, making it difficult to seek the truth. That is until I came across something more interesting than before. A hidden diary reveals a personal recounting of the events, shedding light on the truth. In it, I find the words:

The page that follows bears several signatures—names of those who, I assume, participated in the gruesome massacre

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The page that follows bears several signatures—names of those who, I assume, participated in the gruesome massacre. And there, in stark print at the end, is the name Leisar.

I slam the book shut, my heart lodged in my throat.

Tears don't come; I'm still processing. Her own sister—the architect of her demise? All because of an unwritten prophecy? That helpless baby was me, and now I stand powerless as a fawn. What harm could I inflict upon the world? I blink, resolve hardening. I won't shatter. I needed answers, and here they are. But what do I do with this newfound knowledge? How do I survive in this place where loneliness wraps around me like a shroud?

To honor her memory, I'll follow in her footsteps. For Leisar, I'll do whatever it takes—even if it means surviving.

"What brings you here?"

I glance up from the table, skin prickling with fear. Her face, etched with wrinkles around her mouth and eyes, radiates an otherworldly beauty. Milky-white irises match her silver hair, braided into a regal crown. Her scent—soft, floral—reaches me before she does.

"The Queen. She granted me permission to explore." My explanation stumbles; her features are bewitching, impossible to look away from.

Her gaze lands on the book I was reading. "Few seek these volumes. What do you seek within their pages?"

I hesitate, my mind blank. Forbidden knowledge, I realize too late. I meet her eyes, unable to tear away.

"Are you connected to the coven? Be discreet. Word has reached us that the witches of Maardam have uncovered something new." She leans across the table, voice lowered. "We suspect a surviving child seeks revenge. Three families have been found dead—all linked to this ancient execution." She shudders, wrapping her arms around herself, and settles into the chair opposite me.

The news shocks me. Three families targeted for revenge? It seems implausible, a twisted coincidence. But what if it's not? 

"Your family wasn't involved in this, right?" she inquires.

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