34- Emotions

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The young boy appears, pushing a small food cart adorned with a banquet fit for royalty. Xavier's patience is unwavering as I deliberate over my choices. His happiness is contagious, and I'm pleased with how well this romantic rendezvous is unfolding.

He peppers me with questions—about my family, my past, things I've long buried. Xavier's determination to unravel my secrets is both endearing and unnerving. My lies have grown into a tangled web, obscuring my true identity. But in this stolen moment, I try not to dwell on the weight of my deceptions.

His eyes hold mine, and I'm captivated. Xavier is more than just a vampire prince; he's gorgeous, irresistible, and intriguing. I lean forward, my hands resting on the edge of the table. "Can I ask a question?" I venture, my heart racing.

He sets the napkin aside, attentive. "Shoot," he encourages.

But I hesitate. Maybe I'm crossing a line. "Don't mind me," I backtrack. "It's not important."

"Tell me," he insists, his gaze unyielding. "I want to know what you're thinking."

"Fine, but promise you won't laugh," I request, nerves fluttering.

"Depends," he teases, and I roll my eyes. "Go ahead. I won't bite."

"I'm curious," I begin, my cheeks flushing. "Have you ever been interested in someone before I came? I know how you feel toward me, so I want to know."

His silence is deafening. Panic surges within me; perhaps I've offended him. "You don't have to answer," I stammer. "It didn't sound so bad in my head."

But then, unexpectedly, he bursts into laughter. "I see where this is going," he says.

"Well, I have to know if there is competition," I joke, my heart dancing to a secret rhythm. How do I tell him what I'm feeling? It's too soon, too fragile. I'll wait for the right moment, the stars aligned just so.

"Should not concern you," Xavier replies, his gaze unwavering.

"Why not?" I press, curiosity bubbling within me.

"I know what I want, and I go for it," he asserts, and I'm drawn to his confidence. It's a million times more attractive than any physical trait.

"Even if that person isn't who you think she is?" I challenge, testing the boundaries.

"I don't think there's anything that can scare me off easily," he says, and I wonder what lies beneath his stoic facade.

"How many have you tried to woo in your lifetime?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

Xavier's hesitation is intriguing. Is he counting in his head? Does he keep records?

His laughter erupts, and I'm caught off guard. "I wanted to see your reaction," he admits. "With all sincerity, this is the third time."

"Third?" I cover my mouth, incredulous. Unbelievable.

"I've had a couple of others in my bed," he continues, unapologetic. "But none of them were more than a pastime. I am a man, after all."

I snort. What kind of man uses women for amusement? But who am I to judge? My past holds its own secrets. "But only three?" I prod.

"Well, the first one hurt a lot when she chose another man over me," Xavier confesses. "I tried giving love another shot a couple of years ago, but that was a mistake."

"And?" I prompt, my heart racing.

"And the other one is you," he says, and my breath catches. "What can I say? You're a gem in this world."

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